Originally Posted by
Squishy Oh no. Why did this ghost have to come by during every feast? Lux knew that he was the House ghost for Gryffindor, but he freaked her out because he was dead.
Time to remember everything that Bay had Tessa had told her at the opening feast before her Second Year and not focus on the fact that he was centuries old and as dead as a door knob. "Hello, Sir," she said shakily. "I hope you are well today." Hoping that he wouldn't swoop down on her, Lux figured that this might be a good way to get over her fear.
Good evening Miss Carrington!" he greeted the moderately uncomfortable looking Hufflepuff. "
I am quite fantastic, thank you for asking. But I must admit I would have assumed you would want to spend tonight with your own house and those about to graduate."
Surely she would be seeing the likes of the triumphant Gryffindors she was currently converse with again soon. It was the final evening for house comradery! Each of their respective houses would never be like this again. Ought to be relishing in it.
In fact, there were quite a few Hufflepuffs here. Did they not enjoy the company of those in their own house? How very un-Hufflepuff-like!
Originally Posted by
DaniDiNardo "Well I don't know..." The faintest traces of a mischievous smile spreading across her lips. "Might be worth seeing it in another colour if I can go out my Seventh Year with a BANG." Something with a little flare. Trophies were nice and all--shiny too--but she couldn't help but think she might want something more when it got to very end. Final night in Hogwarts? It'd have to be an event.
She laughed at his assumptions of the Slytherin ghost. "When you do run into him, be sure to roar a little louder for me too, 'kay?" Nothing like a sullen Slytherin ghost to make the victory that much sweeter. Winning was amazing, and for once, she didn't have to say 'we're winners on the inside' because the frickin' trophy was there for BACK UP!
His smile was matched with a grin at the mention of her badge. "I have! Can't leave the lions to run themselves, not when I do a much better job of it." Or, you know, something like that.
The ghosted looked the sixth year up and down once before responding. "
Just make sure you do not repeat the events of your first year with this BANG of yours," he winked while returning her mischievous smile. Gryffindors ought to be having fun. "
Would be more of a BANG if these colours stuck around as well."
Sir Nicholas gave another look towards the Slytherin house table. "
Knight's honour, Miss Cambridge." Pity he could do so now. Although he did fear what sort of consequences such actions could have on the Grey Lady.
About time, if I dare say so myself. It looks regal sitting there pinned to your robes."
Originally Posted by
The1HBIC Okay, Healer Tllstorm had endured all that ridiculousness at the staff table and given her speech to her snakes, now it was time to check on someone. Someone who just happened to be a lion. Of all houses, he had to be in this one didn't he.
As she approached the table she quickly scanned it hoping to spot the one she wanted to talk to. She really didn't have any intentions of sticking around for very long. She really was done with this feast and just wanted to get back to her office to make sure all her things were packed so she could head home.
But first. "Has anyone seen Victor Bay?" Someone please point him out to her so she could get this over with and get out of there.
Had Gryffindors learned NOTHING this year about chivalry? The ghost gawked as the Slytherin Head of House approached the table and made her inquiry...only to be completely ignored as students carried on with their own conversations.
Ah, the Lady Tillstorm," he greeted her, laying on the manners nice and thick and offering the woman a deep bow. "
Congratulations on your house's Gobstones win. Not as prestigious as the House Cup, but well earned nonetheless."
The Baron wasn't here and thus he needed to get his gloating out somehow. Subtle as it was.
I believe Mr. Bay is in the company of Miss Carrington last I saw."
And he was still chivalrous. He had answered the lady's question.