Originally Posted by
noodles And 'Sourpuss..' He glanced at Addi.. “Biting's not always bad.” A little shrug and a little smile.. but his tone was quieter even than his usual mild mannered way of speaking.
Derry was being sweet now.... and he looked down at the box and--*deep breath*--he was fine, yea.. fine. He reached for Derry's hand as she slid the box towards him, raising his eyes to hers and squeezing her hand gently. He knew what was in the box without even opening it. “..Thanks, Derry.” He said softly, his eyes fixed on her ...And he wasn't referring to only the shortbread.
Biting's not always bad... Derry bit her lip to keep from laughing and inhaling her water, but very,
very quickly glanced in a certain someone's direction, then back to Józsua, then wiggled her eyebrows all suggestively. ... Okay that was probably mean, but teasing was easier than admitting to herself that she had a lot of mixed feelings about graduating and stuff...
........She squeezed Józsua's hand right back, and just nodded a bit, taking a moment before she spoke to make sure she didn't cry or anything. Nope. Good.
"S'all good." she said, grinning.
"Our shortbread business is still on the cards for when I still can't figure out what to do with my life, right?" It better be.
Originally Posted by
Colley Cat hugged Derry a little big longer because she was returning the hug and that always made hugs a million times better. Although hugs did have to end and sweet treats like chocolate chip cannoli were a good, very good reason. She was entirely pleased and made sure that she saved another for Derry to have too. "Of course I will! If you want me to. You'll send me shortbread too, right?" They could totally keep in touch with their frequent food exchange.
"All the shortbread you can eat!" Food exchange established. Awesome!
"Also, these are awesome as usual." Derry said, her voice a little muffled from the mouthful of cannoli she'd shoved in there... What? They were GOOD.
Originally Posted by
She got a cannoli!
Taking it and wrapping it in a napkin Beverly's grin grew a bit more. She liked food. Loved it, even. Plucking up the courage she stood up and walked over to Derry, cannoli and two tiny boxes in her hand. One of which she placed on the table next to the red head.
"Hi, Derry." She paused and pushed the tiny panda-print box more toward the older girl. "I want to thank you for helping me out with that one rude boy and...well...you're an amazing Seeker." Another pause. "So I made you a muffin. I hope you like it. Good luck after graduation."
And just as fast as she had appeared, Beverly shuffled off toward another graduate. THIS wasn't easy. Like...why couldn't she have a twin who could do all these mushy good byes. Although, her good byes weren't mushy.
"Hey Beverly!" Cheery face cheery face cheery face. She glanced at the box next to her and blinked a little. Hmm..? What was this..? She looked at the younger girl, a huge smile on her face.
"Thank you, really." she said, peeking into the box.
"That's so lovely of y-" But when she looked back up, the girl was gone.
She'd wanted to give HUGS.