SPOILER!!: Leah!
Originally Posted by
nanyjj Leah had not realized that her question was actually a serious one. Hayden was one smart girl, she was. "I get that feeling on my birthday. My friend actually told me once that I looked older on the day I turned thirteen." Like it made a difference. She did not age a year in a day, right? But she understood what Hayden meant.
She suddenly felt old and mature, because she had experienced a lot over the two years at Hogwarts. The aging epidemic and cold had kind of changed her? They taught her lessons, that if she tried her best to survive then everything would be alright. Or that everything did turn alright at the end. "Yeah, and you're not going to be called a firstie anymore!" Now THAT was a moment worth celebrating. Turning into a third year and becoming a second year felt different.
"Er, I only know our two prefects. I only talked a little with Kaiden last year," Leah said, wondering if she said the name right. Oh, and was Quidditch going to return next year? That would be cool. "and Elodie has always been nice to me this year." She smiled and looked around.
There she was, surrounded by a bunch of people, like Leah expected. She would have to say goodbye to her later on. The Hufflepuff looked at the front of the room where Hayden was looking at earlier to find a pedestral there. That must be the memory book everybody was talking about. She turned her attention away from it, as she did not have to worry about writing an essay on it for another five years or so.
Instead, her eyes turned to the staff table, where the most funny situation was going on. "Merlin." Was all Leah said, as she burst out laughing.
Good, Leah knew what she was talking about. Hayden was glad, because it could have gone either way. She could have sounded smart and insightful, or sounded like she had no idea what she was talking about. Luckily it hadn't been the latter. Hayden grinned.
"Yes!" She over-exaggerated her relief, and went so far as to pump her fist in the air. As if being a firstie was a bad thing. She'd actually liked most of it; being able to be awed and ask questions without anybody thinking twice about it. Though she would not miss being part of the youngest group in the school. It would be nice to be older than somebody for a change.
So Leah didn't know many seventh years. At least she wouldn't have to lose any friends. Hayden knew that a lot of students were going to have to say goodbye to friends and role models. She both wished she'd known some of the older students better, and was kind of glad that she wouldn't have to say goodbye.
"I never really got to know even them. I never talked to Kaiden and I stayed as far away from Elodie as much as possible." Hayden glanced over to where Leah was looking at the older girl, but she definitely wasn't sad to see her go. Bye Elodie. Bye boy prefect whose name rhymes with Hayden.
Hayden was not expecting Leah to start laughing when she did. She followed her gaze to the staff table and took in the spectacle. There were several things that could be the source of Leah's laughter, actually, but was probably Flamsteed in his ridiculous outfit climbing into Botros' lap. Hayden just stared for a moment, her brain wasn't sure how to process that. But then she joined in with Leah and started laughing. The scene just looked so ridiculous, and Leah's laughter was really contagious at the moment. Maybe Hayden was so hungry she was becoming delirious, but she could not stop laughing.