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Old 08-07-2014, 06:06 PM   #97 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Originally Posted by Ravaora Silverkin View Post


Such rapid and uncontrolled limb motion!! Ravaora watched with a wide eyed fascination as the man's frustration built. Quick tempered. Easily irritated. Obviously stressed and in need of sedation--those reflexes........"You must be on edge." She started slowly as she made a slow advance toward him, syringe posed in hand. So tense this one. It was obvious what he had and becoming obvious of a second symptom as well. "Here, let me help you. This job can be so stressful." Sloooooowly drawing closer, syringe with green liquid inside that would make him HAPPY for a loooong time. "Come now Mr. Grumpykins."

WHOOOAAAA sound the alarm! He was BABBLING rubbish! "MERLIN DIDN'T HAVE FLUFFY SLIPPERS SIR!!!" See why this needle in hand was necessary? If he wasn't careful the one with yellow would be next.
On edge? ON edge? on EDGE? "I will have you know, miss, I've been keeping my nerves at bay in court for fifteen years, I am never on edge." Except now. Crouching down on the floor trying to find what was left of his prosecutor!dignity.

And she had a syringe in hand. A SYRINGE. What was this, the fastest, silliest, least professional exam in the history of exams? No. She was not getting anywhere near him with that needle. Vic stood up, his hand pressed against his wand in case he needed to succumb to extreme measures with this mental case. "Only my sister's allowed to call me Grumpykins. It's copyrighted. I can sue you." With every step the woman took, he'd take an equal backward one. And for good measure, he started pushing whatever tables and things between them to keep her away from him, even the stretcher.

Did he even have to answer that? "No sense of humor or sarcasm, I believe the left side of your brain is significantly damage." He started giving her some of her own medicine. "You're screeching, this is an overreaction for a joke. Someone should sit you down and see what lies deep down beyond your collected Healer face." WHERE WAS SECURITY DANGIT.
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