Text Cut: Derry
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Derry was sipping her water and looking round the room, when she noticed a pair of eyes on her. A tired pair maybe... or something. She offered Beverly a smile and a little thumbs up, then swiped another cannoli from Cat's box, levitating it over to the girl with a wink. She liked her, the girl had spirit.
She got a cannoli!
Taking it and wrapping it in a napkin Beverly's grin grew a bit more. She liked food. Loved it, even. Plucking up the courage she stood up and walked over to Derry, cannoli and two tiny boxes in her hand. One of which she placed on the table next to the red head.
"Hi, Derry." She paused and pushed the tiny panda-print box more toward the older girl. "I want to thank you for helping me out with that one rude boy and...well...you're an amazing Seeker." Another pause. "So I made you a muffin. I hope you like it. Good luck after graduation."
And just as fast as she had appeared, Beverly shuffled off toward another graduate. THIS wasn't easy. Like...why couldn't she have a twin who could do all these mushy good byes. Although, her good byes weren't mushy.
Text Cut: West
Originally Posted by
Tegz West spotted Beverly and grinned back. She got a salute in return rather than a wave though. Chin up and stuff yeah?
That was cool. The salute. A cool salute.
Taking a deep breath and mustering up some more bravery Beverly quickly made her way toward the ex-Slytherin Quidditch Captain.
"Hullo, West Odessa," she said, chin up and a taaad bit less shy than before. "Thank you for teaching me the Disillusionment Charm." Which she's been practicing lately and using it to scare her dorm-mates.
"I..." she set the second panda-print box down on the table, her cheeks slightly flushing. It had a green ribbon on the lid so it was slightly boy-ish. Sort of. "It's a muffin. And congrats on graduating."
People like muffins, yeah? Him and Derry would like her muffin? Hopefully. She burned a finger doing them.
Text Cut: Adi
Originally Posted by
FearlessLeader19 Oh look! It was
Beverly. Adi still was tempted to call her Bev. Should he? What was the worst she could do? Hex him probably. Meh. Wait. Was that a smile? A small one it seemed but a smile never the less.
Adi didn't think Beverly could smile. Not at him anyway.
"Hey, Beverly!'' He waved back, still surprised at the smile he forgot to call her Bev.
Did she shock him?
Beverly had to inwardly smirk at that. From what she could recall she's never graced him with smile. SMIRK. A surprise it must have been. She liked that, being the element of surprise.
Thank you Adi for an ego boost.
"For a moment I thought you were considering to call me Bev." She remembered he'd ask if he could call her that. Ha. Ha. No.
Text Cut: Grayson
Originally Posted by
hermionesclone THUMP!
"Ow!" Jeez, he was sitting here being nice and social for ONCE in his sucky life and someone decided to--
"'Sup, Beverly, why you trying to take out your bodyguard?" HMMMMM? And that didn't HURT, by the way. 'Course not. PSH. Try and work on your punches, Wayne. "You looking forward to the summer?" Summer. SUMMER. He had waited ALL YEAR to be able to use that word and NO amount of snow was going to stop him from doing so.
"Oh, come on, Whitlock. I didn't even punch
that hard." She rolled her eyes, then smirked. "Only keeping my bodyguard on his toes." Are you on your toes, Grayson Whitlock? Better be 'cause it was Beverly Wayne he was 'protecting.'
Examining the ends of her hair - for a terrifying second she thought she saw white, but it was just light gleaming off it - the Slytherin nodded. "After being caved in here, hell yeah." Oops. Language. BUT she was EXCITED, okay. "You? Any plans?" she asked coolly.
Text Cut: Agatha
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Hey Ju Agatha shrugged at Simon's remark about them winning the following term and the one after that. To be fair, she would love to win the House Cup, but she knew deep down she couldn't help them that much because points were always related to school work, something she was terrible at. So there you go, she didn't care she did, really. "At least they're not here to annoy us."
The Gryffndors, that was. Because there was a yellow person sitting with them. Why was a Hufflepuff there anyway?? Why were Hufflepuffs EVERYWHERE? And why were they always smiling and being nice? Didn't they have bad days, like, EVER? Agatha was highly suspicious of those people. No one was in a good mood every single day of their lives.
That was one of the reasons she stared at... Adi? Was that his name? Merl-- Morgana, what an odd name. But oh, it wasn't JUST that. The kid actually called her his WIFE. That alone would be enough for him to receive a glare from her, no matter what house he belonged to. "I'm not your wife." She said irritatedly, frowning at him. She didn't even KNOW him! ...Well, fine, they had played 'husband and wife' - Morgana... - in the first History of Magic lesson, but that was IT. She had never even looked at him again after that. .....Fine, maybe she had, but whatever. The point was, she was not his wife and that should be very clear to everyone. Hmph.
Ah, at least a normal person arrived! Agatha didn't smile at Beverly when the girl grinned, but she did greet her with a nod and even a wave. They were friends after all, right? They were even spending a bit of the summer together. Yeah, totally friends. In fact, the thought of going horse riding made Agatha's mood get slightly better.
That didn't last long at all, though, because Grayson decided to keep yapping at her, what made her inside start to boil. WHY was that table there??? It was keeping her from hitting him!! "No, they're ridiculous." The third year replied about his silly eyebrows. WHO would like THAT even? Especially when they belonged to such ANNOYING boy. "It's not an art, you're just being silly and making that up." Agatha would roll her eyes but she was too angry to do so. She just wanted to slap him, but that TABLE was in the way. 'What's got your wand in a knot, Hapgood?' UUUURGH!!! The way those words rang inside her head... it sounded like mockery. Agatha Hapgood did not tolerate any kind of mockery. Directed at her, that was. "It's NONE of your business!" She was trying her best to not explode and climb over the table to punch him, she REALLY was. Really.
Grayson was NOT HELPING though.
She needed to either talk about ballet or horses and IGNORE that Grayson person. Just like she did to Dax. Yes, ignoring should work.
Breeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeathe in. Breath out. GLARES AT GRAYSON.
Okay, she was calmer and could talk horses with Beverly now. But where WAS Beverly? As she looked around, she saw that there was a Gryffindor there now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY? To make fun of them, surely. They should GO AWAY.
Please, please Merlin don't let Slytherin fall into the hands of the obnoxious. Not that they were, BUT if they became it...she wouldn't waste time in cutting ties. The LAST thing Slytherin needed was a person like that one extremely loud Gryffindor girl. UGH.
Agatha seemed to have it under control. Maybe.
"What's going on?" she asked eyeing Agatha. Spill the magic beans.
Text Cut: Ethan
Originally Posted by
Mordred Shifting his attention from Adi to the new comer, "Miss Wayne." Ethan gave Beverly a curt nod and matched her small grin with his own. She's a mysterious being really, but he'd choose her OVER Agatha anytime. The latter was too much for the boy really.
Too much drama, you know?
And was she looking for a spot to sit? They still got room! Join the cool cats, Bev!
She sat next to Ethan still eyes Agatha and the boys. Strange.
"Mister Lute Boy Ethan," she greeted trying to sound formal like she's heard her grandmother do. Ha! It felt silly.
Her head shot back at Agatha and the boys again. Okay. She was curious. Lute Boy had to know something. "What's going on?"
Did she need to teach Agatha how to punch? Maybe she should add that as another activity they could do while the girl visited.
Text Cut: Cutty
Originally Posted by
SlytherinSistah And so the great hall was resplendent with rouge and gold. Gryffindor had won and it didn't seem to bother Cutty Mordaunt. Not at all. The fact that it made Sophie Newell so upset seemed only to serve a pleasant function.
He took a seat where he wanted and burped loudly. "
Hello, everyone."
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
These thoughts floated through Cutty's malfunctioning brain and it excited him. It did not last for long as it seemed Kinsley and Tripod were on too friendly a term with one another that no such fight broke out. Cutty's eyes however, traveled to Agatha Hapgood and Whitty.
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Though he said nothing.
Then there was a Cutty Mordaunt.
Beverly swallowed the urge to grin and instead held her chin up when she addressed him. "I'd thought a Chort kidnapped you." Hi.
Where has he been? There could have been a demon infestation and he'd been Merlin knows where. And did he SEE what colors decorate the Great Hall.