Jonas turned to Eathen after filling his plate that he forgot there was food on the table. He nodded.
"Yeah, you could say I am having fun," he said "Though, I haven't really made any friends before this," Jonas said. "Being focused on my classes and everything," He said.
Jonas bit his lip, was this a conversation that one would talk about to someone that he wanted to be his friend? He thought about someone that he had read about, Voldemort. He read that he was the most dark wizard in the world at his time. Jonas shivered. He could never picture his self that way. That was a reason he wanted friends. So he wouldn't end up like that.
Jonas turned to his other new found friend and nodded, 'Yeah. Not too far from home," He said trailing off a bit. This making friends thing was leaving Jonas really paranoid. But, he tried to push past it.