Oh look! It was
Beverly. Adi still was tempted to call her Bev. Should he? What was the worst she could do? Hex him probably. Meh. Wait. Was that a smile? A small one it seemed but a smile never the less.

Adi didn't think Beverly could smile. Not at him anyway.
"Hey, Beverly!'' He waved back, still surprised at the smile he forgot to call her Bev.
Grayson dude was one of those serious persons, huh? Well, Adi wasn't.
"Hey, dude! Awesome to meet you. Of course I've seen you around. I'm Adi.'' Erm, should he give his full name too? Might as well.
"Well, that's the short version of my name. It's Aditya Rehman. And actually no. I'm belong to that awesome House over there.'' Adi gestured to the Hufflepuff table.
"I just came over to hang out a bit with my friends.'' "It sure was,'' Adi replied to
Simon. He grinned now.
"Hey, be sure to let me know if there is one there. I'd be the winner this time.'' Competition was good, right?
"And let's hope this time there won't be any Isa.'' Ice had almost spoilt their fun. Lucky thing Simon had noticed it before though.
Adi had expected that reaction from
Agatha. But it made him even more amused.
"Hey, can't you take a joke?'' he asked lightly. This Slytherin lot were a serious bunch. "
I know you're not. Was just kidding with you.'' Pause.
"It was a nice relationship while it lasted though.'' Hehe. There, Adi. Provoke her some more.
And who was that disgus- oh it was
Cutty. Who else would burp so loudly? Adi noticed his friend didn't seem too bothered about anything which probably meant he didn't care that Gryffindor won.
Yo, Cutty! What's up? Got any sweets?It was always a good time for sweets. Yep.
"You sure made an impression, Ethan.'' Adi doubted he would ever forget the crazy, newly Sorted kid who messed up his House name. He laughed.
"That I'll look forward to again. The new Badgers will think you're crazy.'' Haha. Offence?
"None taken. Hufflepuff is the best in my books.'' Everyone thought their own House was the best, after all. And skateboarding! Yes! Adi was still up for this!
''Next term then? We need to make up for lost time from this term.'' So was Ethan up for teaching double time?