SPOILER!!: Adi ^_^
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Adi had made it in time to hear the first year girl introduce herself. "Hi, Hayden. I'm Adi.'' He had quite given up on saying his full name when everyone just called him by his nickname. It was weird how he went around the whole term not knowing the firstie. Anyway, that was changing now, yes? "Had a good first year?'' Despite the cold and all?
Adi returned Lux's wave. "Cold,'' was all he said with a grin. Would they ever be rid of it? He never thought he'd want the heat as much as he did now. "So, what you going to be doing for the summer? Hanging out at Bay's?'' Bay needed to make it up to Lux for all that worry. Though it wasn't hs fault. Hehe.
Exploring? Adi grinned at Kace. "Where are you planning to explore?'' Was Kace heading to some other country or was he going to be Kace the Explorer here at home? "Nah, I haven't planned anything. I'll just take it one day at a time for now.'' Maybe he'd drop in on Benny. Or Benny could come visit him. Hmmm.
And then there were more Hufflepuffs turning up. Six of them. Not all of them at once of course. "Hey!'' He smiled happily at Tobias, Mari, Hazel, Olly and Leah. The Hufflepuff family. Well, part of it. Some were still missing, yes?
The sixth was Elodie. Just thinking that next term she wouldn't be there made the almost fourth year sad. But he wasn't going to make this a depressing occasion. He headed over to the girl who had saved him from taking a dive in the duck pond a few years ago. "Super Els.'' He smiled widely and gave her a huuuge hug.
Leah turned her head at the sound of someone calling her. "Hey Adi." She said, giving him a smile back. She was not ready to say goodbye to the Hufflepuff family yet. It would not be a permanent goodbye of course, as she would see them all after the summer. All of them except for the seventh years.
"Looking forward to the summer?" Leah asked Adi. She certainly was. She was tired of wearing thick clothes everyday, everywhere. But hey, at least it was getting warmer now. And was that icicle melting outside the window over there?
SPOILER!!: Hayden ^_^
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Hayden's attention was immediately drawn away from the staff table when she felt a hand not only touch but ruffle her hair. She was momentarily terrified, mostly just because she had not been expecting it, until she fully remembered exactly where she was. Hayden looked toward the direction of the hand and saw who'd come to sit next to her. "Hi Leah," she greeted with a smile. See, there was someone she was actually happy to see sitting by her. Somebody she knew and liked. Yay Leah. "What's up?"
Oh, and that other boy was talking too. "Hi Adi." Nice to meet you, and whatnot. Had she had a good year. "I don't like the cold." That was the only answer he was getting. To be honest, that was the only emotion she was feeling at the moment. No happiness or sadness to be leaving, just a hatred for the cold. She'd have to figure everything else out later. She just wanted to be able to think in the heat of normal summer weather thank you very much. "What year are you?" He obviously wasn't a first year, and she was too curious not to ask.
Oops, maybe she had scared the little girl. Correction: not-so-little-girl. After the feast Hayden would no longer be a firstie, at least that was what Leah thought. She liked Hayden, she was always so nice and sweet. She returned the smile eagerly.
"I can't believe the term's nearly over, can you?" She said. Leah was about to ask whether the younger girl had a good first year or not but decided not to, she probably had enough of that question already. She knew from her end of term feast the previous year. Merlin, that was a year ago? When people started ageing and all that? She was going to be a third year. That was new.
SPOILER!!: Hazel ^_^
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Hazel turned to the table, which was filling up quickly. Still no food, but at least there were some distractions from that. She smiled at the firstie (Hayden), Dylan, and Kace. It was weird that she could spend so much time at Hogwarts and still be meeting new people!
And now Adi was here! "Hey, Adi!" she said to him. Her mind went to the time last term when they went ice skating. She'd spent far to much time on the ground. Yup, not going to bring that up.
Hugs from Marigold! That was always good. "Mari!" she said, throwing her arms around her friend. "How are you?"
There was that boy, Toby. "Hi, Toby!" she said to him. This was such a great time to meet new people!
"Hey, Leah. How've you been?" Hazel said to the third year. This was just one big happy family. HUFFLEPUFF RULES!
For a moment, Leah was lost in thought about well, nothing. She stared at her empty plate in front of her for a while, only to be jolted back to earth by - Hazel.
"Oh hi Hazel," she said, smiling without trying to at the sight of her friend.
"I've been great. Being stuck inside the castle is not half bad, after all." The Hufflepuff said. It was good to be optimistic.
"It was a good year, huh? Apart from the cold?" Leah said.
SPOILER!!: Lux ^_^
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Returning the one armed hug somewhat awkwardly, Lux was happy to see that Kace was in a good mood. But then why wouldn't he be? They were close to leaving this castle for the first time in months, he got to see this girlfriend, and there would be food.
"Well, I am planning to have a beach party and you all need to come. But it has to be more than one meet up." Come on now, that wouldn't be nearly as much fun. She would definitely be seeing Bay more than once this summer. That was already a given.
Spotting two girls head over to the table, Lux gave them both friendly waves. "Hello!" As far as she could remember, their names were Hazel and Leah. This would be a good opportunity for her to get to know them and make new friends. Making friends was awesome.
"Do you guys have any awesome plans for the summer?" Really after being cooped up in here for so long, anything would be better. Lux couldn't wait to hang out on the beach. Maybe her party could happen at Willa's house but she was not sure about that since her sister really disliked her boyfriend and he didn't like her either.
It really WAS cold here. Adi got her there. Laughing, Lux nodded her head in agreement. They were all beyond tired of this cold weather and not being able to keep in contact with her parents and siblings. Soon she would be back home, and it was so exciting.
What were her summer plans? "Well, I plan to see my parents and siblings and go to the beach at least once. I want to have a beach party, and you really should come." It would be a real one this time, not the one that got interrupted by the really cold temperatures of the castle. "I am definitely going to hang out at Bay's and I want him to come over to my house too." But Bay's house was definitely a lot cooler because he lived in the woods in what could be called a tree house. "What are your plans for the summer?"
Oh no! There was a sad Anna sitting down at the table. Lux would not have any of that, because Anna should be happy and enjoying herself like everyone else, not upset. "Hey, Anna. What's wrong?" she asked as she shifted over a little to be closer to the older girl. "Do you want some chocolate?" Lux always had Chocolate Frogs on her and chocolate could really help make someone feel happier when they were not in a good mood.
It really was amazing to see Dylan again. Lux had really missed him. He was one of her besties and was always so happy and lively. Beaming, she gave him a little hug. "This term was terrible, but I'm so happy that Bay is better now and I get to go home." For a time there, she had been really worried that her boyfriend might not make it. But he had bounced back because he was strong and Tillstorm was an amazing Healer.
"I am so going to visit you this summer. And I'm having a beach party. It would be awesome if you came." It would be loads of fun, and she wanted him to be there.
Hmm, another voice. There were hundreds of voices bouncing off the walls in the great hall, but Leah could always tell when someone was talking to her. She shifted her attention to the girl and grinned. She definitely remembered seeing her in lessons, it was.. Lux!
"Hi," she said with a wave.
"I'm Leah." The badger said as Hazel introduced herself too. Lux probably would not know her, she was not a popular girl after all.
"I don't think so, my family makes plan for the holiday when we all get together." The visit to Egypt last summer was cool, but Leah was hoping to stay in Britain this year. Then the word
family hit her. She had not contacted her parents for a VERY long time. It was not her fault though, who can actually control weather?
Since the cold had cleared slightly, maybe Horatio would be able to carry a letter back home for her this evening.
SPOILER!!: Kace ^_^
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Kace smiled and was wondering what he was planning to explore. "Good question mate. I might explore my woods back at my house. I even have a tree house that needs to be built." Maybe Adi would help him out this summer if he came to visit. Speaking of which..."Well mate I would love for you to visit sometime if you can.." he offered to his best bud.
As Kace was talking to Adi he felt a hug. He looked down and noticed it was Goldilock or aka Marigold. He smiled and hugged her tightly back. "Heyyy how have you been?" he asked his best friend. I mean he still had feelings for her and wanted to know how she was. They hardly spent time with one another. "I think you, Mitch, Emmy and I should try to have a double date in the Diagaon Alley.." he offered to her.
As Kace was done talking to Marigold and went over to check out the table, he noticed a girl named Leah, he remembered seeing her in lessons. He smiled and gave her a nod and wave. "Hello.." he returned. "But are you excited for this summer?" he asked as a conversation starter.
Then he looked over and saw Anna! He smiled and decided it was time to say hello since he hadn't seen her in a while. He got up and went to the end of the table and plopped down next to her. "Heyyy stranger." he greeted her with a hug. I mean hugs usually cured most things right?
As he was done talking to Anna, he looked up and noticed Dylan was talking to him. He smiled and got up and nodded. "Yeah I did enjoy it! I mean I hung out with Emmy a lot more and plus the lessons were interesting. But I am happy to get out of the castle from being cooped up in here for too long due to the snow.." he shrugged. He wanted some fresh air. "Do you have any plans this summer?" he asked.
OOHHHH A BEACH PARTY!? Count him in! He smiled and accepted the idea. "I am soo down for the beach party. I love going swimming at the beach well I always get sunburnt but it turns into a nice tan!" He shrugged and joked with her a little bit. "Of course it needs to be more than one meet up. I think Emmy will come up with something.." he never doubted his girlfriend. "Plus we can always double date in Diagon Alley.." he suggested.
NOW there was his best mate. He grinned and walked over to him. He wondered if they were gonna go on extreme trips like last summer. But wait he forgot about the Greece trip. He was sure Declan was going. "Heyyy mate!" he greeted him with a one armed hug. "How come I didn't see you in the common room as much this term?" he asked curiously.
While waiting for the two other girls to talk about their summer plans, Leah turned to yet another Hufflepuff.
"Hi, er.. Kace?" She said brightly, waving. Apologies if she got the name wrong, really sorry. She was not only bad with names, but was also not natural with the nodding gesture that the older boy did, which she only did in classes when she was 'not allowed to talk but needed to show that she understood'.
The soon-to-be third year was glad Kace started the conversation. Her ability to just start talking away had decreased since her start of first year.
"You bet I am. Not that I've got exciting plans right now, but after the couple months of summer I'll be a third year!" It only seemed like yesterday when she rode the tiny boat to cross the black lake on the way to school.
"What about you? How're you doing?" She asked, smiling.