08-05-2014, 05:42 PM
#23 (permalink)
Fan Club Officer
MO & DMT Jobberknoll
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 4,293
Second Year x10
| Admiratrice des Maraudeurs | C-Rizzle | THE Best Snuggler SPOILER!!: Toby Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir Tap tap tappedy tap tap tap tap tAP TAP TAP TAPPATAPPATAPTA-
Toby paused in his fidgeting and staring at the Ravenclaw table, because he suddenly found himself very aware of someone sitting beside him. The Hufflepuff looked around to see Marigold, and gave her a big grin. "Hey Mari," he said, lowering the usual volume of his voice to match hers as he gave her a gentle elbow nudge. "What's up?" Quiet voices rarely meant quiet minds, after all. Marigold gave Toby the slightest of elbow nudges back as she twisted in her chair to look him in the eye. He was probably feeling some of this, too, right? He was friends with loads of graduating people, which made her feel bad that she hadn't really ever spoken with half the seventh years. She made a mental note to try harder next term. "I'm just thinking, y'know," she said, pauses for a minuscule moment before blurting out most of her feelings. "It's just, I guess, I want people to graduate and leave, right, because that's what they want but I also want to stay in contact with them. And I don't know so many people who are leaving that might have turned out to be my bestest friends if I had met them. And I'll never get to meet them, really, now." She took a deep breath and fidgeted. SPOILER!!: Adi Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
And then there were more Hufflepuffs turning up. Six of them. Not all of them at once of course. "Hey!'' He smiled happily at Tobias, Mari, Hazel, Olly and Leah. The Hufflepuff family. Well, part of it. Some were still missing, yes? Marigold smiled back at Adi. He seemed happy, didn't he? SPOILER!!: Hazel Quote:
Originally Posted by OwlEcho63
Hugs from Marigold! That was always good. "Mari!" she said, throwing her arms around her friend. "How are you?" Marigold hugged Hazel back lightly. "I'm good. How are you?" She had already spilled to Toby, so she was already feeling a lot better. Plus, she had just noticed a member of TDK, and she considered getting autographs from all of them. SPOILER!!: Olly Quote:
Originally Posted by Lislchen Wow. End of term feast already. Her last one.
Tomorrow they'd all be home. To separate homes. All of them. Olly wasn't sure how to feel about that. She wasn't sure how to feel about graduating. On the one hand she wanted to stay here forever because it was easy and everyone she cared about was here too. But then again, she couldn't wait to get out of here and be done with school. No more classes, no more homework, no more studying. She couldn't wait.
Still, she stopped right after entering the Great Hall to look around as if it was the last time she could do that. She would definitely miss it here. Her eyes lingered on the backs of a few of her friends sitting at the other house tables. She might go over there and say hi - not goodbye yet, there was still time - later. For now she would head over to the Hufflepuff Table.
Not that there were that many Hufflepuffs she cared about.
Noticing Els sitting with Cat (or the other way round, really), Olly took a seat across from them and gave them both a nod in greeting. She would have to go up to the memory book too at some point. Later though. She wanted to sit a little first. Think about what she wanted to write about. Not that she had that much to say. Especially not to those who graduated after her. Olivia? Something like that, right? Marigold had once had a fiasco with her in the owlery. And now that girl was graduating, right?Oh, dear. Marigold gave her a tentative wave. And a smile. |
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