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Old 08-05-2014, 06:05 AM   #29 (permalink)
Team ronmione

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maisie Raines
Fifth Year

Default Bay! Kace! Penelope! And Lotus!
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!

Turning his attention back to his friends and the Gryffindor Table he saw that someone else had come and it was Tag and he looked a little bit sad. "Hey Tag!" he said to get the older lion's attention.. "whats up man?" he asked because he really did care for everyone he knew.

Tag was still glancing around the table until he heard his name being called out at him. He turned this way and that way until he connected the voice with the face and waved at Bay. The blonde smiled back at the younger one, not too young, of course. "Not much. Just waiting for the food like everyone else. How about you? You good, ready for the summer holidays?" He asked in return. At this point everyone was ready for the Summer holidays. The blonde was more than ready.

SPOILER!!: Kace!
After he said his hellos to Emmy, he noticed a seventh year coming back from the memory book. He was gonna miss this dude. Their treehouse adventure was awesome this term. He wondered what he was gonna do after Hogwarts. He might ask him. "Heyy Tag!" he called out to him. He walked over to him and mentioned, "I am gonna miss you mate.."

Another voice came to Tag's attention and he turned to it almost immediately. It was Kace, the hufflepuff Tag remembered having some adventures with here at Hogwarts. Not too many but they did hang out every now and then and he was a good kid. "Kace! As long as you don't start crying over me, then I'm totally okay with you missing me. I mean, don't choke yourself up." Tag said, trying to ease the tension of the goodbyes from any of the people that came up to him tonight.

Seriously. He hoped no one would cry.

SPOILER!!: Penelope!
After completing her memory book entry, Penelope headed for the Gryffindor table and plopped into the seat next to Tag. She sat near him at their first feast here, so it seemed like a good idea to be next to him at their last.

"Hey. Nice memory book entry," she said with a little smile, nudging him lightly with her elbow.

The blonde watched people come and go from and into the Great Hall and saw Penelope making her way over to their table and then sit next to him. Which made Tag smile.

"Its true. All of it, honestly." He said to her. Of course, Tag would never lie when it came to such words he had used in his entry, nor would he in general in front of people, but he just wanted to add that to Penelope.

Seven years ago they had been so tiny (Tag not so tiny anymore) and excited and ready for Hogwarts and all its food. Now they were not so tiny, hopefully excited for their last Hogwarts meals and excited for a new chapter. At least, Tag was.

"So, is there going to be a feline play day this summer?" It was a serious question. Totally. Tag and Penelope could hang out, as well as their furry felines too.

SPOILER!!: Lotus!
Merlin, finally!

End of term. She's never been so happy to reach this particular part of the year as she was today. Never has she wanted to head home as much as she did now. Her bestie's mood had improved considerably at the mentions of a proper summer and Lotus herself couldn't be more excited for it.

It was a little sad, though, to know that most of her friends won't be returning but she was happy for them all the same. Particularly for those who knew what they wanted to pursue after Hogwarts.

Perhaps arriving a little late, the sixth year, soon-to-be seventh year (!!!!), reached the table she'd been looking for. Well, the Gryffindors were the winners this year were they not? And she wasn't about to sit in the yellow table, though she could seat with the Slytherins but she had more pressing reasons for choosing this one.

So, a smile was given to Lex as she sat across from Tag, he also got a smile, of course.

More people were arriving to the Gryffindor table, which meant, for Tag, it was more chances for him to talk and to keep himself occupied with something. Not that his mind was wandering or feeling sad or anything, cause he wasn't. But it was never bad to have distractions on these types of nights, right? Right.

And here came his girlfriend. The one he'd miss the most, of course. But that didn't mean he'd miss a couple of the younger years here. Because he would. Lotus just had a special place for Tag. It was only natural.

He returned the smile to his girlfriend and asked her the most casual question. "What's up bud?" The blonde could've gone with something else, but this would always be a winner.
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