"Summer" was here, the End of Term Feast had arrived, and Tobias was looking forward to returning home for the summer (as it had been kind of touch and go as to whether that would be happening for a while) and having as many summer adventures as possible. He had Disneyworld with Soph, Cat and Mo to look forward to, getting back in the air and playing Quidditch with his U17 team, and (hopefully) the field trip. Should be a pretty packed break from school right? Until, y'know, that super important year...
... ahem. Nope, not thinking about it.
Just as he pushed that thought way way wayyyyyyyyyyyyy from his mind,
Toby entered the Great Hall and took in his surroundings. At first, he was tempted to head for the Ravenclaw table to say hi to Soph and Cat and Mo and Kyroh and everyone there, but he'd been fully intending to spend the first part of the feast at his own table today. After the speech, when all the food arrived, he'd go over to that sea of blue.
Or maybe sooner. Tobias was keeping one eye on the Ravenclaw table to look for Soph. He was well aware that Cat and Mo were both very close to Sophie, and that she might be... uh... quite upset. And, well... what kind of best friend (AND boyfriend) would he be if he wasn't there for her at a time like that?
Still, he couldn't see her quite yet, and Toby had totally missed out on the Hufflepuff table during the Opening Feast this term, so it was to the badgers' table he headed (it was easier to deal with now, because he'd sadly gotten used to a lack of Ella over here).
The fifteen year old found the spot where he would have an optimum view of the Ravenclaw table, took a seat and waited, fidgeting all the while. So much fidgeting. So much tapping of his knife and fork on the shiny wooden table.
He always managed to forget how difficult it was to sit still at these things. Or had it gotten worse? All Tobias knew was that he'd been sitting for about five seconds and it already felt like a sort of low key torture.
To distract himself, he kept an eye out for Soph and other assorted friends.