SPOILER!!: Ethan
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Ethan forced a smile as the door opened and Bentley asking what she can do for him. “Can you not leave?” he thought, but then his eyes went from her to the scene behind the woman. There, another clue. She’s really leaving. “Hello, professor.” Maybe she’s just you know…preparing for a longer vacation? Ethan HOPED the rumours are just that. But…why was EVERYTHING almost packed? Like…there was no sign of her coming back? “I…just want to thank you for thinking that I deserve to be part of the Herbologist Star-Flowers. It was…unexpected.” Really it was, because he was really bad at the subject back in his old school.
“You’ve…packed everything? Will you be having a long vacation this summer?” Ethan slowly changed his expression from happy to concerned, while swallowing the bile in his mouth. He sort of confirmed his theory that she is indeed leaving Hogwarts for good because of the ‘evidence’. He hates this. Why does a brilliant professor have to leave? Why does it have to be now when he’s starting to improve in Herbology? What if…what if the next professor wasn’t as good as her?
It had escaped her thoughts that Ethan perhaps wasn't expecting the accolade, but it was well deserved, so she nodded her approval.
"You're most welcome, you worked extremely hard all year... it was well deserved." Stating the obvious with that one.
What surprised her more than the boys lack of self-confidence in the subject, was that he was asking about her summer... and vacations. Pausing, she peered behind her at the mess. The office was never meant to be permanent, so there was little to suggest much of anything in packing things up, especially now that the weather issue was being managed. Her old office would be fit for occupation again in no time at all. But that wasn't the reason for her packing.
"Something like that," she replied uncertainly. Of course, that was a half truth, a terrible half truth... and it was about time she started acknowledging the future.
"I'm actually taking some time off from teaching, so I won't be returning next year..." SPOILER!!: Jasmine
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Professor Bentley opened the door and invited Jasmine to come into her office. "Hi Professor Bentley. I wanted to......." O_______O There were boxes everywhere and the Professor appeared to be packing........to move back to the Greenhouses when the weather improved, right? Unfortunately, Jasmine had the feeling that this was not the case. Looking at the Professor with wide eyes, she said, "Are you going somewhere Professor Bentley?". Please say no, Please. She had not come here to say goodbye. Not goodbye!
Closing the door behind the Ravenclaw, Seren side-stepped one of the boxes and returned to the pile of books that so diligently held her attention. It didn't occur to her how unusual it all must have looked for Jasmine. The answer to the girls question was a tricky one, one she had avoided for months now, but there was little point in ignoring it now.
"I am, I'm going home..." just as everyone else did for the summer break. The only difference was that she wouldn't be returning.
"So... was there something I could help you with?" SPOILER!!: Bunz
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Mhmm, yes, yes it was. Annie continued reading the letter while Seren sipped her tea and made the occasional comment. Oh wait, that was an important comment, not one to be glossed over. Thankfully, her resignation letter was short and straight to the point, so the redhead was already finished reading it by then.
"Oh, will you?" She brightened up considerably. "I took everything when I left --- cleared out the greenhouses, practically," she let out a short laugh, "but that's so generous of you, Seren. And on behalf of the staff and the Board of Governors," she straightened up and held out her hand, "Hogwarts thanks you for your years of service."
Paaaaaaaaause for handshake...
She would, yes, her nod was confirmation of this. Though... that wasn't to say she was leaving everything here, and a small nervous chuckle left her lips at the mention of clearing out the greenhouses. Obviously over the years she had invested a great deal of her own resources and income into getting the greenhouses up to the standard she wanted... and while the recent ice age - so to speak - saw to the destruction of much of the stocks, there were still some specimens she wasn't willing to part with. They were going home with her.
"I'll leave what I no longer need," she stated with a polite smile. Her files and things, for example, would no longer be required.
Generous was never a term she had attributed to herself, but she supposed it was relevant, to an extent. The expression of thanks from the redhead was appreciated, and so she engaged the woman in a handshake without a seconds thought.
"It was pleasure, honestly, and thank you for all the opportunities you have afforded me in my time here. I'm sad to be leaving, but it's the right thing to do for my family and I." She retracted her hand after a short moment, her shoulders feeling lighter without the burden of the news.