SPOILER!!: continued from here
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Right, let's see if the floo works today.
Annie marched determinedly back into her office and straight over to the fireplace. Nothing had been touched, really, and the fire was still well-stoked. Thanks, Hogwarts elves. She grabbed a pinch of powder from the pot atop her mantle and tossed it in the flames.
Now for the part she didn't like... the part she really, really didn't like. The redhead kneeled down by the fire and took a deep breath, submitting just her head into the now-green fire.
"The Ministry of Magic," she spoke clearly into the fireplace, "Office of the Head of Environmental Regulation and Protection, please."
Once the connection went through ---- AMAZINGLY! ---- the Headmistress proceeded to converse....
Ignoring whatever else was currently going on in the office, a head full of luscious red hair successfully poked through the fireplace.
"Hellllllllllllllllo," the Headmistress called out impatiently, "is anyone home? I need to speak with the DERP Head. Now, please, this is an urgent call from Hogwarts."
Then she seemingly noticed the two people by a desk. Oh, hello! "HELLLLLLLLO!!"