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Old 08-04-2014, 12:10 AM   #17 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexander River Hirsch
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:

x11 x11
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse

Text Cut: Jasmine! <3
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin View Post
Jasmine smiled and nodded. "Yeah I did have a lot of freedom growing up. I mean it was lonely at times. My parents were never really around. It was jusy my nanny and I. My parents were always busy with work. They never were around to hear I was the captain of the cheerleading squad or ran for class president back in my muggle school.." she shrugged. It was nothing new. She was used to disappointment by now. But she surely wouldn't do that for her kids. That is for sure. Ha...why doesn't she approve. She whistled through her mouth. She needed to begin softly. "Well she doesn't approve because she feels I need to be a doctor or something big. She needs something to brag about. If I am not at the top of the career like she is, she doesn't think I exist. I need to be the star image in her eyes..." she rolled her eyes and stopped. He didn't want to hear her rant.

Aaahhh so he wasn't from a rich family. "Well I thought you would be since your family knows how to bake.." she said reaching for another pastry. Man these things were good! She dabbed her mouth with the napkin before speaking. "Well I lived in a mansion for a while but now I live in my own apartment. It is nice to have something of my own that I worked hard for." she smiled proudly. Oh he asked how long she had been working here. Ermmm let's see...."Well I started here recently. I would say roughly two years going on now." She was still a newbie to the place. She still had a lot to learn.

There were quite a few things he was picking up from Jasmine. And cheerleading? He was going to ignore the activity but be internally proud of the leadership role. "You had your nanny, it's a start. And if they didn't care then, they have no right to judge what you do now." Harsh? Probably. But it was true. They should have cared from the beginning and not start caring later on. He also didn't understand the whole nonsense about being a doctor or something similar. That's exactly what it was: nonsense. "You're working for the Ministry. Surely that has to be good enough." Maybe it was a part of him that didn't want anyone in his department to think that they shouldn't be here. Or that they didn't want to. "How does your nanny feel about you working in the Ministry?"

Baking = riches? That equation seemed all sorts of weird to him. "Nah, I certainly earn enough but you didn't hear that from me, okay?" he joked, picking up another pastry from the dish. "Looks like you're the rich one, then. And certainly! Your own hard work pays off." See? That was more of the type of thing a Department Head was meant to say. At the mention of her time here, Bryce let out a low whistle. "Merlin, am I really the newbie here?" He was. He really really was.

Text Cut: Wandastian!
Originally Posted by Wandastian Epitaph View Post
Through the standard means and secure delivery postage channels, a very important piece of owl mail is placed on the Environmental Protection Department Head's desk. The missive is on special letterhead and sealed with a lime green wax seal.

Text Cut:
June 8th, 2084

To the Ministry Department Heads:

If you have not been informed, St Mungo’s Hospital, in conjunction with Mr. Anthony J. Cresswell and his team of Ministry Healers, will be conducting Health Evaluations starting late this afternoon within the Ministry building.

Levels 1 though 4 will attend their examinations in the Technology Lounge on Level 1. Levels 5 though 9 will proceed to the Atrium on Level 8. Appointments are being scheduled for you and your employees and will be sent out via memo shortly.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation during this time.

Wandastian Epitaph
St. Mungo’s Head Healer

Having stepped out of the office to grab himself a pastry and a coffee -- Ronnie needed a break of her own -- Bryce wasn't too surprised to find yet another letter on his desk. The man had been bombarded with those ever since that article about Hogwarts had been published. Not that he could complain; they provided him with enough warmth when he decided to burn them.

But this? This was new and therefore peeked his interest. He placed the pastry and cup of coffee down on his table before ripping open the envelope and unfolding the horror within.


A letter. A letter from St. Mungo's. His confused features turned into a scowl as he scanned the letter over and over again. The words 'Health Evaluations' stuck out to him, along with 'examinations' and 'appointments'. A few choice words that would make a house elf faint in horror were muttered under the Department Head's voice. Perfect. Just perfect. This was exactly the icing on the cupcake what with everything else that was going on.

It also meant that he needed to go to Ronnie and tell her to cancel any appointments he had for the day because according to St. Mungo's and this Anthony Cresswell, health examinations were more important than any work they needed to get done. And what were they basing this on? Being detached from the Ministry?! The concept seemed dumb. Downright dumb.

Letting out a small groan, Bryce placed both elbows on the table and his head in his hands. Please be a dream, please be a horrible, horrific dream...
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