Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent Mariel lifted her green eyes from the parchment to Anthony's face at his words, her eyebrow arched in surprise. Not happy about this either.. she hadn't quite been expecting that. "Oh..? But your name is on this letter.." The brunette took the letter back from his desk and glanced back at it almost as if to reconfirm that point to herself. Pursing her lips a bit, she lifted her eyes again. "Why are you working in conjunction with them then?" There was something she didn't quite understand. But that was why she was here and it seemed that he was about to explain anyway. "I suppose that wouldn't be surprising," she agreed, assuming that given the addressing on her parchment was a general to "Department Heads." The others would likely be getting the same and perhaps have the same questions. But she wouldn't take that for granted either, knowing some of the less assertive types would just go along with whatever they were told. "However, with all due respect, I simply do not have time to wait around to see if anyone else might show up demanding answers to questions." If someone else came now, fantastic. Otherwise, a meeting should have been scheduled. "I'd appreciate an explanation now.. especially as the tone of this letter seems a bit urgent." Or they wouldn't be required to drop everything and could do things at their leisure.. or as they saw fit.
Huh. Mariel supposed she shouldn't be surprised that this Ministry-wide Health Evaluation nonsense would have to have some sort of approval from the Minister's office, but somehow she was surprised to hear the next words from Anthony's mouth. Maybe it was just the fact that she felt the last to know about this. "Should I take this up with Gavin instead then?" Just curious.. since apparently he knew all about this as well.
__________________ started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________  ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line |