A Poop * k8 * Oh! Ember jumped when one of them starting squeaking really LOUDLY, but then she smiled and grabbed one of the treats from of the treat bins, and she got eye-level with the little guy. "Hi, little dude...how's it going?" she said in a very kind and gentle voice. "You doing okay? Want a little treat? And some pets?" she asked, and giggled as she looked over at Derek.
Oh? He had to gone to Hogwarts! "What house were you in?" she asked excitedly, and flushed, too, because YAY he was a Hogwartian! Like her! "I was in Hufflepuff--if you couldn't tell--" heheheh! She giggled a lot and turned back to the little mutant. Oh, he was just too precious! Not the best looking creature, but it made him all the more precious to Ember! She just wanted to pick him up and hooooold him! Hehehe. "And no. Just..be kind and nice and give him loooots of treats--not enough to make him SICK, though!" and she grabbed a few more from the bin before opening the little door and holding her hands for him to jump in. She didn't want to just go in and grab him--he might not like that, and she hadn't handled the mutants yet to be sure how he would take it. She smiled. "Hi, come on, he just needs some of your saliva..." she said gently. Now. HOw he would be getting his saliva...hmm...she looked over at Derek. "I'll hold him and stuff...just don't be mean and be VERY nice okaaaay?" she cautioned him.
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |