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After that long conversation they'd had yesterday, CB was oh so ready to go and meet Simon with her list of... well... everyone in school. Professors included. Clipboard, quill, and ink in hand she bopped down the corridor in search of the Slytherin boy.
She didn't have to look very hard apparently.
Seeing him seated there, a little grin rose to her lips and she inched closer. "Hi Simon!" She sat down across from him, folding her legs under herself and flipped through her parchment. "These are all the names I got. I listed them by year and then alphabetically. I also crossed off the ones we said definitely weren't the culprit. Like this one." She pointed to her own name and blushed a little, yesterday's discussion briefly crossing her mind.
"How's it look?" Everything was written in her sparkly pink ink. She used black ink to cross out her own name as well as the others they discussed.
He reviewed his list, checked it twice to see who had been naughty or nice. By the time he had finished doing so, he heard footsteps approach him. Simon looked up to see CB there taking a seat across from here. A smile immediately graced his lips. She looked so darn cute with the pieces of parchment.
Focus Simon.
Right focusing. "
Hi CB! Awesome. That's absolutely brilliant," he said, flushing a little bit at how wonderful the Ravenclaw was. Truly, she was incredible. "
Are you certain that we should have crossed that one out? She's way too cute not to consider as a suspect!" He blushed like a fool. Whoops?
Said that outloud didn't I? he thought. Ahem. FOCUS MAN. "
I...I have my notebook here filled with reports about how it started to get cold as well as suspicious suspects too." It was his top secret notebook that he only shared with a select few: Ethan, Zander, and Agatha. He opened it up and began flicking the pages.
Its perfect even the pink sparkly ink is a nice addition. It shows style," he said with a grin. Style was good for a detective in training to have. Very good indeed.