He frowned at both of them and reluctantly picked up a stick. It would be good to have it with him. When Sophie ran out, he dropped it and picked up his wand (a pencil) because if their were wizards and snow monsters then he would surely need it. Clutching it closer to him, he watched as Zander scrambled after Sophie bravely. Heh. Yeah. Simon was just going to wait here and shake his head at his two mates because the situation just got ten times worse. Once again the boy realized that this was why he generally spent his afternoons reading a book with a nice cup of tea by the fireplace and not geocaching with muggles.
Sure, there was money involved but he wasn't going to be fools like the rest of them. Nu-uh. He was much smarter than them all. He folded his arms for a bit and waited underneath a desk until he felt a bad feeling rise in his tummy. Soon enough, Simon found himself standing up and running towards his friends, the monsters, and the hunters.
WAIT. Did that female hunter say YETIS?
He raced out and decided to be the voice of reason between the hunters and his friends. Because by the way the lovebirds were doing it, they were going to be ended up being sold too with the yetis. Probably as Yeti food. Yikes."
Woah. Woah. Woah. We're not taking the yetis. We're just simple casual geocachers on a quest," he tried with a happy go-lucky smile on his face. Yes, that was his character. The easy passionate negotiator. All of a sudden, he narrowed his eyes. "
And they're not yours to take," he explained holding his fake wand (pencil) up high as if he were in a duel.