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Well. She hasn't felt her anxiety kick up like this for while. Now she had to find a partner and present something to the class. Beverly sat there, writing down notes and dreading having to get up and do as directed. She didn't mind the assignment. In fact, it was pretty creative, but...presenting it to the class, in front of an audience, it made her really nervous.
For house points, she thought, and that was somewhat what got her moving. For house points. She'd do that for house points.
Taking a deep breath she approached the Hufflepuff who appeared to be looking for a ground.
"Hi. Want to work together?" she asked. Please say yes so they could get this over with.
Hazel looked over at the Slytherin girl. She seemed to be dreading getting up as much as Hazel herself was.
"Sure," she said simply, immediately happy someone had asked her.
"I'm Hazel, by the way." She hoped the other girl took that as a sign to introduce herself. No matter how hard she tried, she could not think of her name.
She looked over the possible ideas. It seemed like most of them included doing something on the spot. That wasn't really her thing… at all. The only other project she saw was the poster. That seemed to be easy enough. Just writing facts on a board and decorating it? Sounded good to Hazel.
"So, erm, did you have an idea for the project that you wanted to do? I was just thinking that a poster looks good, but if you don't want to, that's fine." Soon, the presentation will be over. Soon.