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SPOILER!!: Head of house
She could count and bless her lucky stars that Aubrey... AJ... not Audrey, was forgiving, because forgetting a person's name could be exceptionally insulting - it screamed carelessness. Still, she was forgiven, and AJ was a darling, so all she could do was smile.
And as delightful as that was, it was equally so hearing about the Gryffindor's experiences at the school. It all sounded positive... that was definitely noteworthy. "I'm glad to hear it, and from my observations and what I've heard, you've settled in quite nicely." Better than some first years have in the past. The snowed in thing, yes, that was a bummer indeed... a HUGE bummer. "Some things can't be helped, and some things take time.. so I'm sure it's only a matter of time." They would not be trapped, nope. "The plants are... well... they're struggling, but for the most part, it's as well as can be expected." Meaning some didn't make it, but they weren't all a lost cause.
She had settled in nicely? Whew... what a relief that was. AJ knew that she was doing okay, but she was worried that the creatures professor would have snitched on her and the whole unicorn thing. Deep down he knew that AJ was just a unicorn enthusiast and he couldn't punish her for that.
"Being with my sisters made it easier." Angel was in her house so it was almost the same as being at home. AJ could have done it on her own as well, but it would have been harder.
"Summer is coming." Maybe that would help the winter storm on it's way out of here. She knew that the professors were working on it. AJ wasn't that worried. The first year had no intentions of telling her parents, and she would pass the word on to her sisters. Abby would be the hardest to convince.
"That's good." They didn't all kick the bucket. That was an accomplishment considering all that they went through. AJ was enjoying the chat with her head of house, but she was eager for another cup of hot cocoa, and to catch up with her sister. She promised Angel that she would meet up with her.
"It was nice talking to you, but I need to meet up with Angel." She waved as she skipped out of the office.
Siblings. Yes, she could see how that would help ease the transition into such a... different place from home. Hogwarts was a home away from home, but it was large and imposing, even if it was magical. It only made her miss home more.
Summer though, now that, she could hardly wait for.
"I don't think I've appreciated summer as much as I do this very moment.. I'll be glad once it's here." And it couldn't come sooner.
With their business done and dusted and knowing that AJ was comfortable with her experiences here so far, there really wasn't much left too it. So when the Gryffindor resigned herself to leaving, Seren grinned brightly and rose to see her out. "Of course, of course," she mused warmly.
"Thank you for stopping by, and thank you for the card.. it's lovely." SPOILER!!: Bunz
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So she.... wasn't here to talk about plants then. As soon as Seren started speaking, Annie knew what was coming next. She had had enough of these resignation conversations to predict when a letter was coming, usually.
She took the letter in hand to read it, of course. "Ten years is a long time," the redhead mused in the meanwhile, taking her time with this sensitive subject. Ten years though. To think, Seren had been the only halfway decent Herbology teacher, the only one who had lasted any substantial amount of time, since Annie herself had taught the subject! Huh!
It was agreed, ten years was a long time. But that aside, there was little else in the aftermath of her revelation.
Words escaped her, did they escape the Headmistress too? Without anything else to add, and without any reasssurances, Seren took to sipping her tea, peering over the top at her soon-to-be former boss.
"I'm happy to leave all of my resources here if it'll make the transition for my replacement easier..." She doubted she'd be needing them again anytime soon.
SPOILER!!: Zander
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Zander could feel a blush coming on. Hopefully it was just his cheeks that were now red, and not his entire face. Ahem. Ha. The Gryffindor just nodded his head in reply to her question. Mostly because speaking was proving to be very difficult and when he did manage to speak, he babbled. So just a nod would do. But then when she went on to comment on how sweet it was, he felt his heart melt. She had no clue as to what that just did to his little third year heart. Could they get a Healer Tillstorm in here? Because, uh, this Gryffindor is SO not okay.
Should he stay while she opened it? Why couldn’t he move. It was simple. One foot then the other. HE KNEW HOW TO WALK why couldn’t he just do it!? And… Would Bentley wait until he left to open it because that would probably be the most ideal— Oh. She was opening it. Shethoughtitwasbeautifulsaywhaaat. At this point, if he were bold enough he may have added something along the lines of ‘but not as beautiful as you’, but he refrained. Because alas, he was not bold enough for that bit just yet. ”I.. I hope you like it, Professor,” was the only pathetic thing he could muster. Sure it wasn’t a regular flower, but would she appreciate the fact that it was made of ice given there current situation?
Then she was reading the card. Oh no. He watched as her eyes softened and wondered along the note. He was blushing again. And before he could respond to what she said next, he was wrapped into a big Beautiful Bentley hug.
SWEET MERLIN HAD CHRISTMAS DAY COME EARLY!?! Though he was normally the most awkward uncomfortable hugger on the face of this planet, Zander Adair hugged back. And he didn’t want to let go, but alas the time had come. All good things had to come to an end. Sigh. Wait a minute. Hold the phone. Had she just said what he thought she said? SHE WAS PROUD OF HIM!?! And now Zander was starting to get all teary too. No. He couldn’t. Boys didn’t cry. No. He refused. Instead he just looked at her with a huge smile. ”Thank you Professor Bentley, I just- I want you to know that we- I… That I really, really appreciate you… As both a teacher and-uh-and as head of Gryffindor house,” at this, his hand instinctively went for the back of his neck. He was getting all nervous again. AH. The flutteries were back.
Like it? Oh nooooo, no no no. Liking it just wouldn't cut it,
"I love it," she replied insistently. It was definitely something to be treasured, not simply for it's beauty, but for the sentiment... it was the sentiment that struck a chord in her.
Usually when she found herself hugging her students - which was beginning to become a habit, especially now - she found they stood limply, or pulled away soon... but not Zander, he seemed confident enough in himself to accept it, and returned it too.
And gosh, he had to keep speaking. If she wasn't on the verge of tears before, then she was now. Such sweet words, and it only made things harder.
"Well, thank you.. you really have no idea how much that means to me," she replied softly, brushing away the making of a tear from the corner of her eye. Her bright smile though, was enough to communicate how happy she was in the moment.
"And I meant what I said, I am proud of you... you're a stand up gentleman, Zander, what's not to be proud of?" He'd conducted himself well throughout the year and never gave her a reason to give him a stern talking to, never gave her reason to be concerned. It was easy with him, as bright - if not academic, as he was.