Wandastian did purse his lips at hearing the provided excuse. This matter wasn't something to be taken lightly. It was downright dangerous, in fact. "While they might have been conducive to productivity, the affects could have been long-lasting." The official document he'd been inspecting moments before was then handed over. "Anger, fear, depression, insecurity, stress.....These things can cause even the most level-headed individuals to snap under the slightest pressure; lash out, exhibit behaviors that are far from their personal norm."
The information Mr. Isaacs would find on that document wasn't for the faint of heart. It had the potential to be highly disturbing and alarming, actually. As it should be. "While I can appreciate that you look out for your employees, sometimes the things we think are harmless do the most harm. This isn't your fault, personally." No, after some review, the British branch of the Ministry faced the most accidents, blunders, and disasters. He'd read all about the chizpurfle infestation in the prophet. Wandastian could only image the damage that might have done to the employee's mentally. "The people in that folder didn't face nearly as much as your employees have." He indicted further down on one of the documents. "...as you can see." "Tinworth, Cornwall residences."
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