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Maybe it was Dima's fault he felt so LOST all the time, but it was really hard to pay attention. For one, his book was really interesting. And his shoe. And that one hair that was sticking up on Kyroh's head. And those paper snowflakes. And this book! Yetis got THAT TALL? Merlin, Lockhart was-
Why were people moving?
Oh. An activity. How long had he been zoning out for? Maddie and Kyroh were already GONE and whisked away by some people who CLEARLY didn't know he needed a group. And Miss Dora and Nigel and Grayson and Marcus Orion and Lex were ALL occupied. And Dima was partnerless.
"Anyone need a partner?" Please?
He didn't want to FAIL.
West supposed he did. Need one. A partner thing.
Right then.
"I'll be your partner if you want." He offered casually to the small Ravenclaw from not so far away. Aaaaand needed to work out what exactly he wanted to do for the activity... maybe write a song? About... Yetis. And he was so amused about how quivery eager!puppy Mo was about this whole topic. Yep. Right up his alley and all.
"You got any particular ideas?"