Post 5 ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Just say No, just say no Adi repeated in his head. He opened his mouth. "Sounds cool then.'' Ugh! What just happened? Those were the wrong words! Sigh. He only agreed because AJ asked. "Only since you asked so nicely, AJ.'' Yeah right. If she'd even lost her temper and shouted at him, he'd still do it.
Thank Merlin AJ didn't seem to have noticed where he was looking. "Uh...everything's fine.'' He tried to keep still, shifting only his eyes. Yes, Angel. How did he look? She was the fashionesta.
Adi remained very conscious of the fact that AJ's hand remained on his cheek all the time. Her touch felt warm and comforting. Uhhh. He hurriedly focused his attention to what the marker was doing to his face. How did he look? AJ said he looked great so he must be. And then she handed him something she hadn't noticed that she had. Sunglasses! Cool! He donned them. He was indeed the officially coolest yeti. "Okay, so let's get these feathers on and then get the show on the road.'' And get the dancing out of the way.