Now, how she was going to manage to form it into an actual fortune cookie shape was beyond her. She had a hard enough time just folding the cookie over. Looking at her lump for a moment, she grabbed it and with a clear picture of what a fortune cookie was supposed to look like, her hands started moving. Molding this way and that. Viola. She was done. Looking at the cookie proved that she had no idea what she was doing. It was a good thing that she had made so many. AJ would have plenty of opportunities to get it right.
Moving on the her next victim. She picked up the next one and started to form it into a fortune cookie. When she was done she noticed that this one was looking better, but it wasn't good by any means. NEXT! She did this over and over, and one of her creations actually looked like a fortune cookie. Hooray! Happy dancing could happen now.