Waiting was not her specialty. Even though AJ only had to wait fifteen minutes, she was bored. She wished she had something to do with her hands. She inspected her fingernails. A little humming happened for maybe a whole minutes. Bored, she was still bored. Everybody else was busy with their own cooking. Maybe the first year should have partnered up. Then at least she would have somebody to talk to during the forever long waiting process.
Hop scotch popped into her mind suddenly. There wasn't anything drawn out in front of her, but that didn't deter the lion. Hop, Hop, Hop. She contined doing that for the entire fifteen minutes. When her time was up she donned her kitchen glove and took the cookies out.
Now she needed to fold them. That sounded like a recipe for disaster. AJ placed the parchment paper down and folded the cookies to best of her ability. They didn't look great, but they were folded.