SPOILER!!: The Cutest Girlfriend Ever <3
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DinosaursOnASpaceship Emmylou opened the backdoor and walked out to the patio, she looked around at all of her friends.
“Hey.” she smiled and waved at all of them.
“I’m sorry I’m late to my own party.” she said nervously but she was more worried about finding her boyfriend because she wanted him to hold her and take away her nervousness. Emmylou’s ocean blue eyes finally found her boyfriend. She made her way over to Kace and wrapped her arms around him.
“I’msohappythatyou’rehere.” she said into his chest. [/COLOR][/INDENT]
As Kace was making small talk with his buds, he was getting worried if Emmy was ever gonna show up. As he heard the doors open, he moved his head towards the noise and then he saw the most beautiful girl ever. She was wearing an amazing dress. Even her hair was gorgeous. He stood there gobsmacked. She seemed a little nervous for some reason. He had no idea why and gave her a quizzical look. Then he felt someone someone bump softly into him.
He even felt arms being wrapped around him. He looked down and saw blonde hair.
"Heyy Emmy.." he smiled and kissed her forehead. "Your dress is sooo woaahh..."
he said trying to find the words but he was in total awe.
"Are you kidding me? I wouldn't miss your birthday for the world."he assured her. He was so glad to be here.
"You feeling alright?" he whispered to her concerned. He didn't want to cause a scene for her.