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Theo hadn't expected anyone to join him in the study room. It was usually deserted in here which was why he liked it so much. His eyes retreated back to 'resting' so he closed them again. Until someone caught him napping! WHAT? No napping here!! Theodore's eyes flickered open wider than they were supposed to, but they softened when he recognized the face. Well, he didn't mind Cassia making him jump like that.
....................... Not as much, anyway.
"Oh, I was just resting my eyes." Suuuuuuuure. "Taking a break form hitting the books, ya know?" He gave the Herbology book on his desk a firm whack. He would've whacked it harder, you know. Theo sucked at Herbology. Speaking of books, the Slytherin let out a bit of a sigh at the heap of them that Cassia had just dumped down onto the table. "Wow."
It surely wasn't her intent to startle Theo but that was something that happened when was so deep reading a book or napping, didn't make much difference, did it ? Though his reaction only made the grin bigger. He obviously wasn't expecting anyone to be here. She barely did, too.
I see," she nodded her grin turned into a lopsided smile. She'd not have admitted that she almost dozed off while studying either. But everyone knew the story. She peered at the book he was referrring to and made a face, "
Ew, glad I don't take this one anymore," she was reminded of her hatred and glad she did not have to deal with it anymore. Failing Herbology in OWLs was the best thing that ever happened to her.
Turning to the pile of unorganized books she started piling them over one another until she had a pile of like 12 inches. She slid them to the edge of the table and rested her head on them while still looking at Theo, "
I like to rest my eyes like this," She winked at her housemate. Because he was special he got to see how she napped. Using books as a pillow obviously.