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To be honest, Theodore wasn't here for studying, but he did bring a Herbology book just to make it look like he was. He was sat at a desk, just mulling over his thoughts with his feet resting on the next chair.
If he sat like this much longer he'd fall asleep, because he wasn't thinking about anything important. His eyes closed slowly and he let out an abrupt snore which jerked himself awake immediately.
Woah, nothing to see here.
Who was she kidding, since her first year she never managed to get any studying done in the common room. The Slytherins were way too distracting and interesting to watch to get anything done in there. She'd always end up curled up in
her armchair chatting with someone with the book long forgotten.
So she was going to the Study tables that probably were put there for you know, studying. It was too quiet there, though. Almost perfect for a nap which wasn't helpful at all. The moment she stepped in she found a proof. Oh, even from behind she knew this one who almost fell asleep. She'd recognize the back of that head for years to come. Sounded a bit weird but who cares.
How was your nap?" Cassia grinned at Theo as she slid in the seat right next to his dumping the books she was carrying in front of her.