not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Hayden did catch the smile from the other girl, and she returned it. Now was not the time to try and make friend but she liked when people were nice. Did she want to stick together? Team Runes. Team Girl Power. Whatever, that wasn't important. Hayden kept a close eye on the wall where the girl was performing her spell, searching for any hidden carvings that might have shown themselves. No noise from the device yet.
Yes that did make a lot of sense, that if there was something hidden it was most likely harmful. Why would somebody need to hide something that was going to be helpful? And if someone had carved something harmful into the walls of the castle, they probably would have hidden it. At least, that would have been the smart thing to do. Why wouldn't they have hidden it?
Still silence from the device.