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"Love you too, mate." West answered cheerfully and wrangled a chocolate frog out of his pocket. Wrapped and everything. He deposited it in Theo's hand and slung his arm over Theo's shoulder, but y'know, refused to look at the names.
"If yours isn't, mine won't be..... and I'd rather not bring myself down worrying over it. That stuff is hard enough." Least Theo still had his shiny badge, yeah? Nod. It hadn't got easier exactly... it just... got easier not to think about it all the time.
"M'right." He was still fidgety even half leaning all over Theo. "Was gonna go run up and down the staircases."
It had seemed an awesome enough idea at the time. "Especially now that NEWTs are postponed and all." Why bother wasting time studying?
Theodore loosened his tensity and almost dropped the chocolate frog when West lounged himself all over him. Maybe he was tired, so Theo chose to be a bro and not shove him off again. "
Cheers." Theo tucked the frog away 'cause he wasn't feeling in the mood right now.
It isn't, I checked." West's plaque, that is. "
I just wanted to see it before leaving. What's the point in having one if I'll never see it?" Theo grumped. It was true. No one other than him would give a toss about Theodore Kinsley being a Prefect.
Theo opened his mouth to tell West what a silly idea that was, but it actually sounded kind of appealing. "
Think I might join you on that. Havent broken a sweat for months." He made a little groan when West mentioned the exams being postponed. "
Yeah... when do you reckon this weather will get lost?" It certainly surprised Theo how much he missed the outdoors. "
In time for graduation, I hope." Because as much as he wanted to stay, he REALLY wanted to go, too.