SPOILER!!: Cassia
Originally Posted by
the fastest seeker
So now after she picked the signs she had to make up fortunes. First she needed to read about each of the signs. The snake started with Aries. She read what was written then paused trying to think of something about it to write. Finally inspiration hit her and her quill was moving.
This actually was fun. And she was eager to do the next one which was Aquarius. Now first to read and then to come up with something. This probably took a longer pause but she wanted to write something that actually made sense. She didn't want to just fill the parchment with meaningless words. But then she could think of something that had a meaning.
And the last one. If she thought that the previous one took the longest time she was wrong. This did. Mainly because she was afraid she was going to be held back thinking about this when everyone else moved on to the next portion of the lesson. She had to come up with something now! Pressure did work after all. She was glad that her hand started scribbling.
Lex had been waiting patiently even after she'd gathered her ingredients. Know why? Because Cassia was still working on fortunes and Lex couldn't get started without the snake who actually knew something about this baking stuff. Now that she was done--she was done, yes??--Alexa levitated everything and yanked her stool over to where Cassia had chosen to work. It was so clean over here. Perfect for baking.
"Hi." Standard greeting, yes, hello, hi bestie.
"So I'm thinking you bake, I supervise, we enjoy the cookies and the world is a happy place. Kinda like we always do." Lex was FAR better at supervising than she was at baking, even Cassia knew this so no arguments should happen.
"You reduce the fortunes while I go pre-heat the oven--no, wait, I'll burn myself. I'll shrink these, you light the oven so we can get that started." It might have been weird having someone boss around the Head Girl but Cass didn't let that sort of power get to her head. Power wouldn't make her bestie not listen. Pfft. Plus this was a team effort!
With that, she gathered their fortunes together to make one spell of it.