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Old 07-26-2014, 08:27 AM   #111 (permalink)
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Text Cut: I love you, Simon Holden XD
Originally Posted by Emms View Post
And the Head of House had entered with chocolate and cookies. AND CULLODEN WAS THERE TOO? The boy had been so lost in his thoughts and conversation with West that he hadn't realised that they had both entered. The boy straightened up and gave Professor Culloden a nod as he spoke to other students.

Simon's tired eyes rested on Healer Tillstorm as she held up the plate of cookies and hot chocolate. Those cookies smelt absolutely delicious. They reminded him of the delicious treats that his mother used to make him as a child. He felt a slight pang in his chest. Home. That was where he wanted to be. He wanted to make sure that his mother was alright and that she could actually remember that he wasn't seven.

You're still seven to her.

Tears welled up in his blue eyes. His heart pounded. Simon needed to relax. He took a deep breath. Several deep breaths. Tears continued to well up. He stared into the fireplace, willing himself to be strong. No crying. He was a big boy. Boys oughtn't cry. He was strong. He had to keep strong but he felt like breaking a part into a million little pieces of glass.

Simon sighed and blinked his eyes a couple of times, turning his gaze back to the scene in the Common Room. Ahh.. much...


He blinked again, he couldn't believe his eyes. Everyone was gone and he was back in his kitchen in Melbourne. His mum was at the sink washing dishes. "Simon! Cookies and hot chocolate. Got to stay strong before that big exam!" she exclaimed as she called over her youngest boy.

Simon didn't move. He blinked. That couldn't possibly be real. Rubbed his eyes. Still his mother. How was that? Was he home? He got to his feet after assuming that he must have been at home. Wearing a big grin on his face, he made his way over to her. "Mum! Thanks for the cookies and hot chocolate. It's been rough," said Simon as he gave his Head of House a big hug.

Uhhhh.... Errr.. Hi. Healer Tilstorm. Fancy... seeing... hugging... you.. here.

The boy silently melted into a puddle on the ground and was swept away with a broomstick...

Did Cutty ever mention how much he appreciated Simon Holden? Sure, he was subject to utter and complete mistrust after the incident at the Entrance Hall, but then he did things like this. Randomly hugged their tough as Head of House and calling her mum. Then sliding down her body as though she were but a glisseo'd pole. Simon was such an emotional boy and Cutty was smirking at the scene.
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