had to kinda be like the fortune from the horoscope. Vague. She could do vague. Vague happened all the time
just not with her, vague was often lost on her. Lex reached for the cards being passed around that she would use to create the fortune. Don't ask what they'd be doing with fortunes when their own actions were what shot them in the leg or pushed them forward, she just didn't know anymore and wouldn't really say.
First of the lot was Gemini. This one seemed simple enough and Lex quickly got to scribbling down what she'd interpretted from the parchment.
How accurate that actually was was beyond her. On to the next! Er...Scorpio was it? Alexa leaned over to get a better look and read of it. This one....was pretty clear cut too and again she got to scribbling.
The last of the fortunes was Cancer. This one wasn't quite like the other two actually. A little disappointing when she thought about it but she got something written down for it anyway.
THERE. Done.