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Old 07-25-2014, 12:46 PM   #149 (permalink)
formerly: PhoenixStar

Join Date: Dec 2011
Posts: 21,878
<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus


Adi laughed, too. "Good point. And a light or whatever that was is better than nothing at all.'' That was Adi for you. Always looking to find the bright side of stuff.

He just smiled when AJ said 'rotten luck'. He didn't tell her that was intentional. He knew she wouldn't appreciate him doing that but he couldn't help it. "Let's see you give it your best shot then,'' the Hufflepuff encouraged. Best shot AJ gave it indeed. "I saw, I saw,'' he replied, grinning at her as she held onto his shoulder. "Well done.'' He patted her on her arm.

"My turn. Carpe Retractum!'' Purple rope shot towards the dummy. There ya go. He did it too.

"Oh yeah, especially when I usually get a big fat nothing." She would take any little bit of something over nothing any day.

She waited for his response at her awesome display of the spell. AJ was pleased to see that he seemed as excited about it as she did. He really was a good friend to her. It was dumb of them to let some silly words get in the way of their friendship. "Thanks."

"Lemme see you try now." AJ knew that Adi had it in him to perfect the spell. She smiled at him encouragingly. "Not going to let a girl beat you, are ya?" That would be how many times now? The lion was teasing with him of course. She knew that they both did their best work when they were competing. Then Adi did it without effort. "Look at you."

She wanted to give it another go. AJ had to be sure that it wasn't dumb luck or something. "Carpe Retractum!" The rope came out and wrapped itself around the dummy once more. "Piece of cake." Now that she had it down it was.
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