Charms 2 Homework Post 3 please don't let me be miunderstood
Stepping out into the entrance hall, Leah could not help but feel the cold. Yes, this was a place that needed insulation. She pulled out her wand and wondered where she should aim it at. Looking around, she decided on the front oak doors. You know, warm it up for people entering the great hall.
The girl practiced the infinity sign wand movement for a few times before saying out loud, "Carpe Retract- hey wait, it's not this spell." she stopped herself, the wand movement stopping in mid-air too. Blushing and looking around to see if anybody had heard that, Leah corrected herself, "Caelum Saepio!" with the correct sideways figure eight.
A warm fog came out of her wand. At first try this time? Excited, Leah grinned and continued to wander around the castle. Only two places left!