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Seeing James put his hands in his pockets, Lux was reminded of how cold it was here. Of course it was cold; Hogwarts was the new Antarctica. She was wearing loads of layers, but maybe moving somewhere else would be a good idea. "Want to head to the kitchens and get a snack? I could do with some food." This child did like eating.
Hehe. James was funny and she smiled at him. He was nice, and she thought it was really cool that he was Lucas' brother. "Yes, I know him! He is my best friend. I haven't seen him in a while though." She missed him. Hopefully everything was going okay for him and they could see each other soon.
"Ooooo food sounds good." And warmth of the oven maybe he could lose some of the layers. "Yup a very good idea let's do that. I'm freezing." James held out his arm with a smile to escort her to the kitchens.
Pfft Lucas had a best friend? Yeah...okay. "Well I'm sorry for that," he teased with a grin. "He's wandering around here somewhere I'm sure." Unless he got stuck in a tunnel or something. That'd be funny. Well...kind of. Until mum yelled at him for not helping.