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Dima nodded. He was glad, TOO. 'Cause he didn't want to die.
Good thing he wasn't one of those yellow house people.
"We could go ask her about it together one day!" 'Cause even if this guy wasn't a Ravenclaw, he could be an HONORARY one. And Dima would even run it by Marcus Orion because he was like the KING of Ravenclaw. Like, he was probably gonna marry Rowena Ravenclaw when he became a ghost.
Unless he and Miss Dora got married first.
"You can share MY map if y'want. We could go exploring. It has lots of places to read marked on it." Sharing was caring, and besides, who didn't like an exploring buddy? Kyroh and Maddie would probably get sick of him if he bothered them TOO much. "Nice to meet you too!"
Just like Ted's kids in How I Met Your Mother... Dima and Simon had been standing looking at this poster for what felt years or nine seasons...
So the crazy first year was just plain adorable! Simon beamed at Dima and nodded when the young boy asked that they could go ask together one day. "
That'd be awesome!" he said, giving the guy a thumb's up. Because making new friends with a young cool kid would be cool- even if the kid set things on fire...
COULD THIS KID GET MORE SWEET? He was offering to share HIS map with him. Cute.

Maybe first years weren't that bad or scary after all, hey? "
Thanks Dima. That's nice of you. Let's go exploring now. Where do you want to go? Find a secret passageway or a secret hiding place that's good to get away from everyone during the day?"