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Tag’s musing had gotten a shrug from the Ravenclaw. Lily had honestly never thought about how strange it might have been to have frogs as pets. Frogs deserved people just as much as any other animal, and they were in the Wizarding world. Unusual pets seemed more like they were the norm than anything else, as she thought about Cleo, Astrid and their sugar glider family. “It is nice of him, but I know he’s doing it for me,” she admitted. “And there could be more people with frogs for pets if they only came out and said they wanted one,” she continued, grinning a little. She had plenty at the moment, even subtracting the one he was taking and a few for Austin and herself. “I haven’t really left my common room much lately either. I think everyone is just trying to stay warm.” Hot air and insulation charms could only work so much. The fire in their common rooms worked so much better.
She’d smiled again at Tag’s reaction to, well, her reaction t his mention of Alec. She’d honestly never even thought about if people who weren’t at Hogwarts anymore might have wanted a frog or two, but then, that could have been because it was easier to try and find homes before the term was over. Especially when it seemed like there was no way of contacting anyone outside of the castle anymore. “Well, it isn’t like the frogs take up that much space. Maybe we could ask him later,” she commented. It wouldn’t hurt to ask, after all, even if Alec said no. Plus, she didn’t see how it was possible to have too many pets, even though she only had Gavroche and her frogs, along with her parents’ cat back at home. Unless she counted the pets at Aunt Elizabeth’s too, since that was where she’d been living lately.
She’d nodded as he’d agreed to her idea of asking Professor Bentley for help. It had made sense to her, and he didn’t seem completely illogical. “Honestly, I’d thought about her because of our bonsais,” she admitted with a laugh. “But I think she’d be good to ask about environment. Either her or Professor Thompson.” Which reminded her that she hadn’t figured out how they’d have any CoMC lessons while they were snowed in. “True. I haven’t had a lot of issues with their water freezing though, not since I keep the charms up in the terrariums pretty much all the time.” It kept more than just the frogs warm, but then, she also had to admit that keeping things tropical in there when it was so cold in the castle was more complicated than it should be.
Luckily, the frog was transferred into Tag’s box rather quickly, before it could feel too much of the frigid air from the corridor, and she’d watched as he’d cast the charm. Hopefully that would be okay and it hadn’t had too much of a shock from the move. “Of course,” she’d replied with a grin. All pets needed names. Although she figured Tag wouldn’t be like her, giving everything names from a book.
Tag already had a kneazle and a turtle, adding a frog into the list of pets he had wouldn't seem too weird for him. And he could already see Saxon's reactions of being super confused to a brand new pet Tag was bringing back home. But frogs, out of the normal pets, needed more love, yes. "
Of course. There's probably one or two amphibian lovers out there. You just got get them out of their safe zone." He said with a small smile. And, yes, they were all definitely trying to stay warm. Tag knew he was. Besides, he didn't want to be out in the corridors where it was snowing... Indoors. No. He wasn't for that.
Yeah, later. When we hopefully have contact with the outside world." said Tag agreeing. Though, he had a strong feeling that the first time for 'contact with the outside world' meant 'after this entire mess is figured out and we're on the Hogwarts express'. Typical Hogwarts. "
He already has a ton of pets, so he must have lots of space at his place." laughed Tag. The Summers' place was practically a zoo with all those animals.
Thompson and Bentley. Very good choices in terms of who to go to for this type of animal care. Both could provide their own type of advice for Tag and his newly owned frog. "
I'll try and see either, if not, both of them, before the end of term. So, rather quickly." He said with a nod. When it came to pets one could never be lazy about it and take forever to do a simple task. "
I'll keep it in mind. Keeping the dorm warm. Not that I already don't." He'd even gone to putting up extra blankets on the windows so that some of the heat got trapped into the material.
Tag glanced at the box and then looked up to Lily. "
Err.. do you know if they're all males or females?" He asked nervously. He didn't want to give the frog a wrong name, you know. It wasn't too important he could find the frog a gender neutral name. But, if Lily knew, it would be better than nothing. "
Its no problem if you aren't sure either." He added with a slightly reassuring smile.