Thread: The Fireplace
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Old 07-25-2014, 02:21 AM   #75 (permalink)
Casey O

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Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Zander shifted around a little bit, trying to make himself comfortable again, now that he was thrown out of place. At least he wasn't being squished anymore. Was this how CB felt when he accidentally tripped on her that once... Oops. It was probably karma. He pretty much deserved this one. Right. Anyways. He eyed her hand for a second, before realizing he was meant to shake. Oh. That felt so formal, but alrightieeee. The Gryffindor slowly met her hand with his own and gave her a firm, yet not-too-firm shake. Was that good enough? Huh.

"Well it's erm, nice to meet yah Marigold," though his body was still kinda sore he managed a smile. "I'm Zander... And you're not clumsy... It happens to me too." Like that time with CB. Cringe.
Marigold frowned as she shifted her weight into a more comfortable sitting position like the boy was and ended up being poked in the leg. She patted her bum pockets, then pulled out a knitting needle. Whoops. Turning her attention back to the boy in front of her, she wound her magically-straightened hair into an oblong shape and stuck the needle into it, trying to hold it in place. She cautiously removed her hands, only to have a chunk of hair fall out around her chin. She tucked it behind her ear impatiently.

Yeah. The handshake was awkward. Was it too late to change it into one of those rad-fistbumps?

"Nice to meet you, Zander," she said, emphasizing the you. She grinned at him. "Well, it's nice to meet a kindred clumsy spirit!
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