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The lion was just about to jab her wand towards the dummy again when a voice that she would recognize anywhere approached her.
"Hey." she greeted back to her... friend, yes friend, Adi. She was pretty sure that her having trouble was obvious, but she knew Adi was sweet, and wouldn't completely call her out on it.
"It's the story of my life isn't it?" The jokes were coming back naturally. Maybe all of the weird vibes were over?
Say what?
"Oh yeah? You're on Rehman!" The thought of their previous bet came to mind, and she quickly stored it away. She was not going down that road again, not when they were finally on speaking terms. She watched as Adi tried the spell. The rope appeared, she saw it.
"Watch this." AJ was about to show him how it was done. Her competitive juices were flowing.
"Carpe Retractum." Purple smoke, or light, she couldn't be sure appeared, but there was no rope. It wasn't over yet though, Adi had failed to get his spell perfect, in front of her anyways.
Forget about Adi worrying about the awkward stuff. As soon as AJ started speaking to him, it felt like they were back to those good old days when they spent much of their time joking with each other.
"I'm watching.'' Adi did just that, feeling all of the sudden more happy than usual. He had not realised how much he hated staying away from AJ. At least her attempt at the spell produced something.
"Was that supposed to be a rope?'' Adi kidded as the smoke/light vanished.
"Let me show you how it's done.'' "Carpe Retractum!" As he said this, the Hufflepuff moved his wand int he right movement. Instantly there was a purple rope flying towards the dummy. It was going to wrap itself around the dummy and he knew it but at the last moment he broke his concentration so that the rope fell away inches away from the target. Why? He wasn't sure...but he had an idea that it was because he knew AJ would be determined to beat him and that would make her get the hang of the spell faster. He liked when she succeeded at her spell work. Yep.