Inside Kitty | HIT ENTER | UNO Queen Quote:
Originally Posted by Tegz This distraction thing was true.
West was also supposedly heading to the library but he'd got to the door and changed his mind. Studying? No. For what? NEWTs? Qualifications that he had no need for? Nah. So maybe go see Botros? Yes. That sounded better.
But there was a Gryffindor in his way.
A Gryffindor he knew.
A Gryffindor that had been at his house several times, one of his cousin's little fangirly friends. Luckily for him all her attention had been Scan focused... and sometimes Nigel focused? Like they were buddies or something.
And she was.......... shooting peas at a tapestry. It didn't actually bother him one bit. This WAS the boy who, in first year, had thumped a portrait in front of a professor. He understood that two-dimensional wizarding artwork sometimes needed to be taught what was the what. No skin off his nose.
He did stop to watch though. Odessa stare. Zahra NOTED West, but since he didn't stop her, ask questions, or otherwise interfere in some annoying way, she kept on as she was for a time. It was starting to lose it's novelty though and her supply of peas was dwindling. She'd have to summon her stash back to her, the ones that weren't STUCK to the tapestry and wall.
"I'm officially out of ideas on how to keep myself busy." In case West was wondering. |