Post #3 That's Rough Buddy | Be the Flower | Moon & Stars
Since the patch on the wall was charmed and ready to go, Beverly took two steps to the right and stood in front of the window. With a small fist she cleaned it and gazed outside. Sick. Not the oh-my-Merlin-that's-sick cool. It was the it's-so-sick-I-want-to-punch-something sick.
This sight was the reason she was glad to live in the dungeons. It was cold, but it spared her eyes from a sad sight. Shaking her head she aimed her wand at the window.
Another go.
"Caelum Saepio!" Tracing a wider in height infinity symbol with her wand, Beverly focused on the patch on the window she was intending to charm. It took several squiggly strokes for the spell to work. Soon fog formed from the glass. YES.
Pleased Beverly Wayne was pleased.
Seeing as that was done the Slytherin went back to her desk, jotted the homework down and stuffed her belongings into her bad. Time to go try this baby on her dorm walls and hopefully have a warm night.
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