Thread: The Fireplace
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Old 07-23-2014, 02:42 AM   #70 (permalink)
Casey O

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Default Lame-o post because wifi keeps cutting out :(
Admiratrice des Maraudeurs | C-Rizzle | THE Best Snuggler

Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
If he wasn't dead yet, he definitely was now-- or at least deaf now. What was up with the shouting?? The third year attempted to y'know tell the soft layered whoever it was, that it was alright, but the breathing thing was kind of hard to do at the moment considering that there was a human being still on top of him. Heh. Yeah. So instead of shouting back a "S'okay" it turned into a giant wheezy breathy sound?... Ahem.

Right. Now that the person, he had yet to recognize, was off of him, he could finally speak again. "It's alright," he even let out a small chuckle to demonstrate. See no harm done? Except his ribs were kinda hurting a bit when he laughed, but you know neither here nor there. That was a thing, right? "I-uh- I fall a lot too... So I know the feeling." Was that a weird thing to say? What if she didn't actually fall a lot and this was like a one time thing? Anywaaaaaaays, "I think we were in the same group for that potions homework once? When we built the firepit?" She was apart of that group right? Because that's totally where he remembered her from. Yep. And if not... uh, awkward.
Marigold winced as she realized that she had squished someone. Hard. It's a weird feeling, having squished someone. Well, she held out a hand to shake, because she felt that was appropriate. "Sorry. I'm really clumsy. I'm Marigold, and yeah, I think I remember that."
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