SPOILER!!: Adi's bro from another Mother xD
Originally Posted by
Holmesian Feline
Uh huh. "Sounds like a plan." Best to try it himself and get the full effect of the magic. The slowing down of the spell was indeed even cooler than the outright stopping of it. More of a reaction.
Right....galdr chanting.
The first step in the spell stopping, at least the type with the added advantage of runic magic. Just like the modified flames of the last lesson and what he had been about to simple practice before. Benny glanced down at his own textbook to refresh what he had to chant to get it to work right. It seemed simple enough with just three letters overall, yet he needed to concentrate. So taking a deep breathe, the third year began to chant.
"Isa Isa Isa i i i i i i i i i i s s s s s s s s s s s s s i i i i i i i i i i...."
Adi waited patiently as Benny chanted the galdr. He sniggered when he realised his friend sounded like a hissing snake. Come to think of it, all of them must have sounded like that at one point.
Anyway, it seemed Benny was done.
"You all set?'' the Badger asked. He waited a few extra seconds so Benny could prepare, then raised his wand.
"Impedimenta!'' There goes the red light. Think fast, Dragon!