Charms Homework 2- Post 1 ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Adi decided the first place he would want to cast the Insulation Charm on would be his dorm. Yep. He spent a lot of his time here, be it studying, doing homework or of course, sleeping.
He selected the wall closest to his bed. That's where he'd be trying that charm. Merlin knows it would be nice to feel warmth again. Bundling up in jackets and stuff didn't always help. Adi muttered the incantation under his breath, practicing it to get it right. Right. Now he was ready. "Caelum Saepio!'' Adi made the sideways eight wand movement. Oh looky! A bit of fog! He watched as it started to fade and knew the charm had worked. Excellent!