Aww which one? And I watched Life as We Know It again the other day. :3 The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion Quote:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl Talk about it? Hadn't that just been what he was doing? Willy took his eyes off the ground and peeked up at her. He had been... not talking? Ranting? What?
"All right," he said after a long pause, uncrossing his arms and letting them dangle lightly at his sides. Maybe he should... wait for her to say something. .......all right.
Alysson took a deep breath, clearly relieved that he had at least uncrossed his arms. It seemed like a positive gesture and definitely a step in the right direction. Though, she wasn't entirely sure what the destination was yet. Finding out what had really gone down between Emily and William? Probably. Though she wasn't entirely sure she'd get the full picture. And to be honest, she wasn't TOO keen on talking to her boss about this.
Oh, well. No turning back now. And she DID want to know.
She just watched him for a moment before looking around the room. "Do you maybe want to...sit down?" That sounded like a good idea, didn't it? Alysson reached for both of his hands and started tugging him over to two chairs. No more pacing, okay? |