Was what he was about to do necessary? Of course not. The astronomer hardly did anything out of necessity unless it was in regards to science. There was certain protocol to follow there, of course. No, this was just for...his own amusement really. And if gave him something to work on since his stargazing was out of the question and his knitting project now complete. He also needed to properly learn how to START a knitting project without magic - he had cheated the first few steps with magic previously, but shhhhhh - so that he could instruct Medea more efficiently...but this had been quite the enjoyable little side project.
With two piecing of parchment in hand, he approached the bulletin board and moved some old announcements around to make room for his own. Aw, pity about OWLs and NEWTs, but at least students would get the chance to take them...assuming things took a turn for the better.
Smirking, he used his want to stick the first poster up.

Stepping back to make sure that it was straight, he gave the poster an approving nod and smirk as he placed the second one directly underneath it.

Had to know exactly what the blanket looked like in order to be able to find it after all. Heh.
Cackling to himself, and rubbing his hands together in that mad scientist fashion he had become accustomed to doing over the term (perhaps due in part to some of the senile tendencies he had acquired last term?), he gave the notice board to big thumbs up and then strut his way down the corridor towards the Great Hall for some much needed breakfast.