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Old 07-21-2014, 10:46 PM   #35 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees

Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Her smile just spelled evil. It did. He could feel it. She was OOZING EVIL. Good day?! Of course it was a good day for her! She was going to feed them to her Cold One army. Of course SHE was probably having the best day. Luring all these unsuspecting children into her second dueling classroom of DEATH.

I hope the cold isn't getting to you too much?! What WAS THAT supposed to mean!?! Zander's eyes widened and probably doubled their normal sized. What she probably meant was that she DID hope that the cold was getting to him. And by cold, she probably meant THE COLD ONES!!! He knows who you are Romanos. Can't fool this smart nugget. He's got you pinned down for what you truly are. Evil.

Instead of opting to speak again-because that did not work out well the first time- he just nodded sloooooowwly with eyebrows raised and suspicious look still there. Why weren't there windows!?! WHY? Backing away now...

THUD!! Man down. Darn leaves. This woman was SO clever! She had left leaves on the floor so that if they tried to run and escape (or back away without looking at where they were headed oops) they'd slip! So clever. And so evil. Hmph. He just lied there. No major damage. Just his back ached a little. But it wasn't a big deal. THERE WERE BIGGER PROBLEMS HERE. Like the Cold One invasion about to take place! Why was everyone just standing around!? THEY NEED TO ESCAPE!

One freaked out Zander was not just about to lay in the middle of the room on his back. No! He decided to army crawl all the way to the edge of the room, where he'd be safe... For now! Dun. Duuuhn. Duuuuuuuhhhn.

Goodness, did she smell? Was there a spider behind her?

Taking a quick peak at the wall and ceiling corners, an eyebrow raised as she glanced back to Zander. Oh! Oh my. What in Merlin's beard was he doing? The boy was acting...unusually strange. Perhaps the cold WAS getting to him. Best not to poke the sleeping dragon too much, or in this case, a troubled third year. For now.

Keeping an eye on that one.

Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles View Post
Steeping inside he FIRST noticed that there where no desks, chairs, or even YOGA MATS. How was he suppose to keep warm?! He needed his makeshift blanket. After that though he oh so observant Ravenclaw took notice of the leaves. Which..... Autumn was long gone....and this classroom had no windows. "Professor did you get into a fight with a tree?-Wait now! I know! You're turning into a tree aren't you!?" He glanced at her. No bark like skin but it could still be possible. Did a Cold One come and make a mistake and turn her into a Tree instead of a Skygge? Not waiting for an answer he looked around once more until his eyes locked onto West. Quickly Kyroh made his way over to the older boy making sure to step on LOTS of leaves in the process. Coming to a halt he glanced at West's stance and promptly leaned against the wall as well. He even crossed his arms. Heh. Cool.

"The Professor is turning into a tree." He informed the older boy. Yup. No big deal or anything. Too cool to care and all.

Also...Zander was crawling? Alright then sidekick!
The cold had most certainly gotten the best of this one. "Not that i'm avare of, Mister Scabior." she...smiled. Ahem. That didn't stop her from subtly glancing down to her covered arms to check if there were a few stuck leaves and what not.

Nope. All clear.

Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
The end of the term was coming awfully quickly, along with her birthday and the dreaded exams, yet all Lily had been able to focus on as of late was the cold. The cold and how much she’d wanted the snow to clear and contact to be reinstated before her birthday, which she honestly felt wasn’t going to happen. At this point, she was resigned to the possibility that they’d be trapped for the rest of term, and that was thinking positively. NEWTs were important, but she just wanted warmth. As she’d stepped into classroom 1C, though, she realized that somehow it was even slightly warmer than most of the rest of the castle, save right next to the fire in the common room. That was promising, and she’d smiled a little. Even more at the amusing sight of Nigel on the floor making leaf angels. In the layer of leaves that were mysteriously covering the floor in a classroom that appeared to have no windows, possibly explaining the slight change in temperature.

A very slight change in temperature, as it was still cold. It was just not freezing cold, and she kicked a few of the leaves experimentally with a booted toe as she made her way around to a spot not far from Lux. They seemed like normal leaves, but she couldn’t be sure. That depended on Professor Romanos, who got another smile from her as she’d looked up and seen her. “Good morning Professor Romanos!,” she said, kicking a few more leaves that had shifted near her just because. At least she wasn’t smelling them, like it seemed Ethan was.
Some, umm, ordinary greetings were very much welcome, thank you very much Lily. "Good morning." she smiled to the seventh year, gaze flickering over to the two particular odd acting students every now and then.

Oh...make that three.

Originally Posted by Chiara View Post
Lucy walked into the classroom of DADA..
She was very surprised no to see any desk nor any chair but only a lot of leaves on the floor..
Lucy said:"Good morning professor!" and she began to wait for the start of the lesson..
"Helloooo." she said, flashing the Gryffindor a warm smile.

Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Angel was feeling really cold at the minute but she couldn't help that, it was this stupid weathers fault. She suddenly noticed the Professor standing at the back of the room. "Good Morning Professor." Angel then stopped in her track, had the Professor opened the window and leaves had come into the room? Or was this her usual behaviour.
Oh yes, one of the Valentine kids. She was getting the hang of telling them apart now.

"Good morning." she nodded towards the Gryffindor.

Originally Posted by nanyjj View Post
"Good morning, Professor Romanos." she said, seeing the professor at the back of the classroom. She sat down on the leaves, leaning against a wall. The second year missed the mats, and WHAT was wrong with the boys? Zander crawling, a Claw boy claiming that the professor was turning into a tree, and the Ethan guy sniffing the leaves. Merlin.
"Good day, Miss Abbott." she greeted, taking notice of the Hufflepuff. Good amount of students so far.

Originally Posted by PhoenixStar View Post
AJ was seriously debating on just staying in bed today because she was so over fighting the cold. It didn't look like it was going to warm up any time soon. Forget the fact that summer would be here before you knew it. The ONLY thing that made her get out of bed was the fact that the lesson was DADA and that meant that she might be able to have a chance to zap or blow something up. Without thinking AJ put on Adi's jacket and made her way down to where the lesson was being held.

The first year felt like she was behind in homework assignments so she told herself that she would get it together. She was messing up a good thing that was going for her. AJ could let that snowball. Walking in, the first she noticed were the leaves. Weird. She spotted the professor. "Hello professor." What was up with the leaves? Her eyes landed on her sister and she walked over to her. "Hey Angel."
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
DADA in a strange classroom? Adi wondered what was up with that. He stepped curiously into the room. Where were the windows and furniture?! And why, why, why was the floor covered in leaves? O_O

Trying to avoid stepping on any, he grinned at Lux and Jasmine. Hiiiii, guys! Oh and Professor! Hiiii, to you too. The lady got a wave from Adi before he turned his attention to the commotion in the form of Zander. The Hufflepuff nearly laughed out loud at the sight of his friend crawling away after his fall. Was the guy okay? He decided to go find out. "Dude, why are you crawling?'' Kevin was right. Zander was weird. Hehe. "Hi, Kevin.'' Couldn't ignore the little Gryffindor, could he? Nah. Adi was a rude one.

And...and was that AJ wearing his jacket? Had she known she put it on? Adi gave her a small wave.
The second Valentine. Wiggling her fingers towards the Gryffindor, she smiled in return. They were just missing Abby weren't they? And oh yes, she did spot the wave from Adi.

Wiggled fingers for you too!

Originally Posted by Deezerz View Post
Beverly glanced around as she entered classroom 1C. The elves seemed to have forgotten to sweep the room as there were leaves strewn about. Her shoes made a crunching sound as she walked in further. Rubbing her mitten covered hands together, she wrapped her arms around herself.

So...what's with the new room?

And no where to sit. Did that mean they were going to do something fun? Like learn to kick butt. Beverly Wayne would appreciate that. Especially with stuff being muttered about in the castle.

Staying put in a spot, she waved at the professor. "Hello, Professor Romanos." She would have said 'good day' but it wasn't a good day. A cold day didn't make a day a good day.
It was rather amusing to see which students didn't mind stepping on the leaves, and others taking the time to avoid them altogether. And then there were those who were rolling in them and...sniffing them. Although, she was hoping that was just the effects of being inside all the time lately. Not that being a bit eccentric was a bad thing.

"Good morning, Miss Wayne."

Originally Posted by griffin View Post
Penelope looked around the room as she entered classroom 1C. This room was smaller than the other room, and it didn't have any windows. That was not good for the claustrophobic girl. She did not like this room, and was nervous about staying in here for class. Taking a deep breath, she tried to distract herself with other thoughts. Why were there leaves on the floor? would they be doing something with the leaves in the lesson? "Hello Professor," she said, still freaked out about this room with no windows. Did the professor notice? She didn't want to be here, in this room. Not one to miss a lesson, the young Ravenclaw found an open space near the door, in case she changed her mind about staying in this room. With her foot she made a circle in the leaves, large enough for her to have at least 2 feet all around her. It was a personal space circle for her, and she stood in the middle of it.
They could add leaf circles to the list of odd. However, she didn't particular think much of this one. Leaf circles were rather nice. Much like leaf angels. "Good morning, Miss Wright." Hopefully doing well, what with being inside all the time now.

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Well THIS was different.

Maddie entered the classroom and the small brunette raised her eyebrows at the scene in front of her. The Professors at Hogwarts sure seemed to have interesting takes on the seasons and when they were meant to occur. Now they had WINTER in the hallways and Autumn in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Too bad no one had effectively come up with a way to get Spring back because the first year wanted OUT.

"Hello Professor." Hi. Maddison Cooper reporting for duty.

Skirting the wall, the twelve year old stood by Kyroh and that older snake boy who looked like he could be in a fashion magazine or a painting or BOTH. "You don't really think that's possible, DO you?" The whole tree thing. Was there a SPELL that turned people into trees? Did DIMA know how flammable this room was right now 'cause he had to be careful. Where WAS Dima, anyway?

Questions, Maddie had them.
Was there a split moment in which Medea almost looked to her empty wrist for the watch that wasn't there? Maybe. Just maybe. Thank goodness there was a clock to the side of the room she could keep an eye on. Summer to-do list: buy that new watch she still needed.

"Hellooooo." To yoouu Maddison.

Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
No dueling arena? And there were leaves all over the ground. Hmm. Interesting. Penelope was definitely curious about this lesson now, especially since it was one of her last ones here.

Which was kinda a weird thought. The cold and snow had kept her wanting more and more to get out of this place, so graduating wasn't really a sad thought at this point, but it was a bit weird after all these years of lessons at Hogwarts.

But anyway, she wasn't gonna focus on that. And she also wasn't gonna play in the leaves. They seemed to be fine since some of the other students were playing with them, but she was just gonna stand off to the side a bit. "Hi Professor," she greeted Romanos.

And now to wait.
Another student to add to the list of kids leaving the school after this term. Or, well, young adults now really. The number just seemed to grow...unfortunately. And fortunately. Such a crossroads! "Good morning, Miss Greenwell." she smiled, even adding in a little finger wave.

Originally Posted by the fastest seeker View Post
She was too busy thinking this was going to be one of that last times she walked around here to wonder about the state of the classroom. Yeah, now windows or desk. Minor details. Leaves though. She only noticed those because she stepped on one. And froze for a minute registering what on earth that sound was. Of course, watch where you're stepping. The magical rule.

"Good day, professor," The snake greeted Romanos.

She felt she wanted to ask what were they going to do. Rewind her first year's days and all. But nah, they'll know shortly so no point.
Oh, another seventh year. And it was Miss Somerland of course. Odd moment that was when she had to re-read the class list a couple hundred times to make sure she was reading the girl's last name correctly. Was it truly Somlerad? Or was that a complete misspelling? Had to be a misspelling.

"Good morning." Ahem, refrain from proper name greetings until she figured that one out.

Taking a glance to the clock, she took note of the well as the amount of students that had arrived so far. She'd give the stragglers a few more minutes before she closed the door, such as the couple of students whom just walked in (in which she gave the proper smile and nod towards) but for now, there was no problem in starting with the lesson.

"I realize it's been a tough time staying indoors for as long as ve haff." Reason for which she'd skip over for now. "But, I hope ve can make up for a little bit of it today. Ve're going to be reviewing the spells in vhich you learned this year...but in quite a different setting. Bit more of a challenge I vould say."

"Can someone please remind us all vhich spells ve've learned?"
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