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Old 07-21-2014, 12:55 AM   #8 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: Sep 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Addyson Lynette Dane
First Year
Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛

SPOILER!!: Zander
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Meeting other girls? O___O B-but he knew a lot of girls! Well, he knew a lot more than he started with this term at least. It was just a slow progression, okay?! And meet more people? He could do that! At least... He could try to do that. It was all just kind of hard. The making new friends thing. "I-I guess I could do that..." Zander listened thoughtfully, as Simon continued. It shouldn't distract him from getting his work done? "I, yeah I think I do actually!" He was getting it! He was really getting it! Kind of. "Do you think my crush on her will fade away eventually?" Because it was bad. He knew it was bad. Every time someone knew found out, he got that nervous feeling. And they all looked at him all weird. She was so much older than him. It was a bad thing. At the last thing Simon said, however, Zander felt his little heart sink. 'It'll take time'. That's what he was afraid of. But he didn't have any time! Or at least he didn't think he did. "Time... That's what Lux said too... Do crushes take a long time?" Because he didn't want to wait too long!

Zander's eyes widened at the mention of the names! CB? His new Ravenclaw friend?... He hoped they were friends.... Ahem. He may have accidentally ruined the page of her book, which she did seem upset about... But then he fixed it for her and she was happy again!? And there was hugging! Lots of hugging! And hugging did mean friends... right? But that Agatha girl... Zander didn't know who she was. But by the sound of it, it seemed like Simon had a pretty good chance with them both! "Do-are-you-uh-erm. Wow, Simon that's gotta be tough," and he thought HE was in a pickle! But poor Simon couldn't choose between the two girls! "I guess you've just got to have an open mind about it?" Huh. That was something Lux would say right? "And let things happen naturally..." Uh. Could they get a luck expert down on the fifth hall because Zander didn't have a clue what he was talking about. "And I guess you'll know which one you like more sooner or later, right?" Whaaaaa? He was really trying. REALLY. Just. This was hard. And he was only thirteen!! Merlin. "YEAH EXACTLY! The butterflies are the worst part I think! Because they distract you and then you just don't know what to say!!" At least someone else got it.

An older student? Huh? Wait a minute, Simon... THAT WAS GENIUS! "Simon, you really are a detective in training a consultant uh- that! That's a brilliant idea!" This Sherlock stuff was still a mess in his head. But yes, an older student would be a great idea. They knew about this stuff, right? They'd just have to find the right one. A seventh year one. They're ancient. "Professor Morgan?" Oh, yeah! With all this sitting around and girl stuff, Zander had totally forgotten about why they were on the move anyways. Getting up from his spot on the stairs, Zander held out his hand for his mate, to help him get up to. "To the seventh floor!"

Simon watched as Zander mused that he could try doing what he had recommended. Sweet. Maybe his advice was paying off for once? Perhaps he ought to start a business where he gave loads of free advice to random strangers. In fact, he could have his own television series. Dr. Simon Holden, relationship specialist and detective. He smirked. Oh, yes. He liked the sound of that. Not that it was making his ego grow bigger or anything. which totally was happening at this precise moment. He refocused on Zander and shared a sympathetic lion with his Gryffindor mate. “I think so. It’ll take time but you’ll survive.” With that, he patted his mate on the back and then nodded when Zander mentioned Lux. Merlin! Who was this Lux person? He had been hearing so much about her but had never met her. Perhaps one day he’d run into her around Hogwarts. It’d be nice to meet another one of Zander’s close friends. “They can but it all depends. Don’t force anything.” Yeah, that seemed like solid advice that an elderly student would tell someone young. Hold up a second. Was Zander older than him? Or was Simon the older one? He didn’t know at all.

As his Lion mate struggled to find words, Simon simply nodded in agreement. Yep, yep, yep. That was exactly how he felt! His blue eyes widened when Zander took on the role of the oh wise Sensei when it came to relationships and girls and whatnot. Zander needed to get his own website or something to help people with relationship stuff. “That’s pretty stellar advice, Z-man,” he said before internally criticizing himself for picking up some of Flamsteed’s vocabulary. He wasn’t cool enough to use THAT vocabulary yet. Maybe in forty-five years he would be? Nah, he’d NEVER be ready. Oh well. “Zander, you should get your own television series or something. You’re advice… It just makes sense.” He nodded again when the Lion boy mentioned the butterflyfeeling that Simon also got in his tummy.

Simon chuckled and felt his heart swell with pride and joy as Zander informed him that e was really a detective in training a consultant-something! Heh. “Thanks, Zander,” he said with a shy grin. Before he could say anything else, the two were on there way to the seventh floor! “Right. Girls are too distracting for us,” he added and shook his head.

After reaching the seventh floor, Simon led the way over to the area outside of Professor Morgan's office. "Ready?" he asked Zander and then knocked on Professor Morgan's door three times. After doing so, he plopped down in one of the open bouncy chairs. Ooh. Fun.
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