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He bet. He bet alright. Grayson was RIGHT, of course. If they could use magic, they wouldn't be in this predicament for much longer. One swish and ZOOOOOOOOOOOM, they'd be away. But NO.
............. Wait. What?
"Are you even ALLOWED to do that?" Get out from his kart to get his kart away from the obstacle he had been in? Not that Grayson would blab, of course. He wasn't a snitch. He wouldn't tell on the boy, which was something that the boy should APPRECIATE, thank you. This one could have gone and told someone and he would had to back out of the race. But, of course, that'd mean that Grayson wouldn't have anyone to race with and he didn't want that. Besides, this was actually fun.
If the sassy blonde one could read minds, he should keep whatever he had just read to HIMSELF, thank you.
And he WAS drowning. HMPH. The water couldn't get enough of him, it seemed. The fourth year shot the seventh year a LOOK at his words. "Oh HAR HAR! Iceberg. Titanic. Sinking! You think you're soooOOOOooo funny, don't you?" Freaking dancing Gryffindor. He was going to use this as MOTIVATION to SHOW this kid that he wasn't going to give up and sink. Nuh uh. SO, being smart, Grayson used his hands to try and swim towards the edge of the water while his feet pulled his kart along. It was a long journey and he was getting tired before he had even made it very far. This was trickier than it looked, you know?
When he DID come out, Grayson tried his best to look cool about it. He was soaked and everything from the hair to his toes were wet but he didn't care. He. Looked. COOL. Got it, Hopscotch?
And speaking of Hopscotch, the Slytherin got into his kart once again and drove up to where the Gryffindor was. "Nice of you to be fair about this. Thank you." Pause.
More pausing.
"YOU SNOOZE, YOU LOSE!" he belted before pressing down on the pedal and zooooooooooooooming off again.
Tag simply shrugged at Grayson's words. Was he allowed to do that? No one knew, to be honest. But at least Tag was being nice and not going forward and leaving Grayson in the dust while he tried to free himself of the water. "
I don't know. I do what I want. I go by nobody's rules. Not even my own." was Tag's reply. Not true though, he usually followed rules. But, in a moment like this, it just sounded smart and cool to say, especially in front of Grayson shirt boy. Someone needed to tell him bopping collars wasn't COOL.
The blonde watched Grayson make comments about Tag's humor. "
Of course I'm funny. Thank you!" BEAM! If Grayson wanted to bring Tag's mood down or something he would need to try a little bit harder. Then... Grayson was doing things. At long last. Tag let out a sigh, but watched Grayson slowly return from the depths of the water. Very. Very. Very. Slowly.
Finally. The race could continue once again. "
You're welcome." Tag simply said. Never in a million years did he think he'd have to say 'you're welcome' to a Slytherin. Correction, male slytherin. More correction, Mr. Shirt boy over here. And then... of course. It was too good to be true.
Sighing, Tag said, "
There's still a lot of the race left!" before he pressed his foot on the pedal and sped after Grayson.
It seemed that Tag's collision had really damaged his kart because he was really really behind Grayson. Like, the Slytherin almost looked like a big dot to Tag from where he was racing. You know what would be perfect right now? A banana to throw in front of Grayson. Or one of those red shells that followed the go-karts. Or, even that lightening bolt that made the racers little for a minute or two....
Wait... Oh, this wasn't Mario Kart. This was magic go-kart racing. You know, without being able to use any magic at all.